So we asked the question How is it, that you Move into that space of indecisions and Procrastinations regarding taking your next steps in life, be they financial, be in relationships, be the in business, be really in any endeavor, whether it’s a move, whether its a change, what is holding you back from clarity?

What is stopping you from moving forward and going for it? Remember that indecision and procrastination are based on your history. Reflecting about all those times where you procricinated when you could have moved forward, maybe you miss an opportunity.

Sitting on the fence because you’re unwilling to be vulnerable and to take the leap forward because of what others might think and feel about that. So, how about if we reimagine that you had no considerations about what others would say or feel or think about, what you do in your life and the decisions and moves that you make, be they physical level, emotional level mental level spiritual level.

So let’s tune in for a moment into the solar plexus. Take a deep breath and relax, stay grounded with the earth. and imagine that you are connecting now with an experience where you’re stuck in indecision and procrastination and let’s move that energy upwards towards the heart and upwards toward the third eye and the crown so that you can re -envision your perspective on this so that you can get a higher comprehensive understanding of what that lesson is about and choosing now from the highest place in your being your true self to make a choice now to move forward no matter what and to not care about what others may think about this so that that you can feel 100% confident, secure, and joyful in that choice, in the decision of moving forward.

So give yourself the opportunity now to take a leap of faith into the unknown, which is basically your future possibilities. Imagine that. So take deep breath and allow those energies We use to keep moving upwards towards the crown and just let it be.

Let it B, let be, just take another deep breath, stay in the now moment. And when you come back to conscious awareness on this physical plane, know that you have created a shift in consciousness and are letting go and releasing the need to procrastinate and how shall we say indecision they’re getting off the fence symbolically taking that great leap into the unknown with God’s blessings love and support so thank you for tuning in until next time many many blessings many, many


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Hello, and welcome to another joyful tune -in. So let's take a moment to center and ground to the power of the breath. Going to the here now. I am here, I am now, and I am. And today, we're going to talk about balance and why it's important, especially in these times of great change.

And considering there is many levels of distractions and distortions upon the planet at this time, that we need to use our discernment, our inner knowing as to what is true and what it's not. What is true for you, and not anybody else.

So when one is not emotionally and mentally balanced, it is very hard to navigate life. Life becomes stressful and anxious, full of distractions, thus creating in your system overwhelm, enhance the ability to procrastinate and sit on the fence regarding making choices and decisions.

So let us today bring forth a more centered roundedness with your body mind, with your spirit -body connection. So going within, using the power of the breath to direct the energies, we're going to breathe into the heart and then up into the third eye center.

And as we exhale. Just simply let go of all manner of stress, tension, and anxiety from head to toe, especially your fingers and your toes, your jaw muscles, your forehead muscles, your eyelid muscles, and your belly muscles.

Continue to breathe very gentle, beautiful light that is very calming, that it's tranquil, is alive and yet balanced. So we're going to breathe in harmony, deep into the belly and then deep into the base of the spine, exhaling, letting go of all manner of stress and worry and tension, relaxing the shoulder joints.

And imagine surrounding your field. That's your consciousness surrounding your field is a beautiful ring of light that is becoming a bubble of light that is surrounding your whole field. Beautiful light.

Rainbow colors iridescent translucent crystalline light. Vibrance. And allow those energies to move through your field and eventually into your body through your chakra system circulating through all of your chakra points through the spine through the brain through the heart center through your power center through your sacral chakra sacred through your womb space your grounding chakra your crown chakra your throat chakra your hands and your feet.

We wish for you now to carry this rainbow bubble of light with you for the rest of the day, no matter where you are. Carry this feeling of balance and harmony for all experiences for the rest of the day.

And then remember to sip some water every now and then so the cells can absorb the light more readily and more naturally. So thank you very much for tuning in today, and until next time, many many blessings.

Be sure to check out our website and our new membership program that has just started, and our upcoming awaken your higher consciousness program. Also, check us out on YouTube and Instagram as well. Many blessings to you.