Awakening Your Higher Consciousness

Kenji serves as a facilitator of consciousness to assist those who wish to explore their personal path of illumination and awaken to their Soul’s destiny and life purpose.


Kenji serves as a facilitator of consciousness to assist those who wish to explore their personal path of illumination and awaken to their Soul’s destiny and life purpose.


Kenji serves as a facilitator of consciousness to assist those who wish to explore their personal path of illumination and awaken to their Soul’s destiny and life purpose.


Would you like to have more wealth?  Would you like to give abundantly to your family and friends?  Would you like to treat yourself to vacations, beautiful clothing and anything else you desire?

This package will help you attract money into your life, but it’s about more than just money.  Once you have an abundant mindset, you will become a powerful manifestor in ALL areas of your life.

Is Sedona calling you for rejuvenation, renewal and recharge?

The call has gone out to come together and meet your starseed tribe and soul group in sacred nurturing space as we journey together into the Quantum of many possibilities, miracles and blessings.

The Cosmic Sould Immersion Retreat: Alchemy of Transformation is hosted by by Aurora Luna Star & Kenji Kumara at The Global Center For Christ Consciousness in Sedona, AZ

Through the Empowerment of Your Presence, A Unique Sedona, Arizona Retreat Experience

This is a Sedona 5-Day Retreat Experience Hosted by Kimberly Meredith & Kenji Kumara At the Global Center For Christ Consciousness in Sedona, AZ

No matter where you are in your spiritual journey, it is important to have a loving support system in place and an energetic platform to help you express yourself and reveal more of the soul within. Find out more by clicking the button below:

Combine your vacation with a spiritual retreat in the nature of Sedona and receive powerful goal-specific activations for your spiritual awakening!

Kenji is now available for couples R & R (Recharge & Reset) weekend retreats at his east Sedona home!

Get 1 to 1 mentorship from Kenji Kumara for exploring your personal spirtual practice to expanding your healing business. This mentorship is open for the whole month of September. New members will receive all the month’s bonuses and downloads.

“Tremendous thanks go out to Kenji for being such an incredible BEING on this planet! His work transcends all other healing modalities that I have tried in the past! His activations have provided me so much clarity, healing, and guidance in the past ten years of my life that I have followed his work. Kenji has helped me through some very powerful and life-altering changes. Thank you Kenji!”

~Dr Karen Bicsak, Doctor of Chiropractic and Surgical Neurophysiologist

Unsure what you need most?
Find What Is Best For You!

“For the last 10 years I’ve had the privilege of interviewing and working with the foremost top energy healers on the planet.  Without a doubt Kenji Kumara is the most gifted and talented healers I’ve ever met.  I recommend him to anyone who wants a deep renewal, healing or awakening.

Darius M. Barazandeh, JD, MBA
You Wealth Revolution Publishing

CEO and Founder

“Without a doubt Kenji Kumara is the most gifted and talented healer I’ve ever met.”

Featured on
Featured on The Ascension Guides and Guidely

Kenji w/Darius Barazandeh


Kenji appeared on Darius’ show and gives a full activation for his audience. 

Kenji w/Lauren Galey


Quantum conversations with Lauren Galey

Kenji w/ Verandah Magazine

Enlightenment media news

The New Bliss Team

“Kenji Kumara is one of the most wise and endearing teachers that I know. Kenji is a beautiful soul with a giving spirit and he goes above and beyond in all of his work. He is a transdimensional healer and practitioner of frequency healing and Kenji’s meditations help transport participants to other realms and bring back love, joy, peace, harmony, and information from the unseen into the seen. If you are looking for wise counsel, healing or transformative experiences, I highly recommend Kenji Kumara and his work.”

– Addison, Florida

“The sacred and powerful Red Rocks of Sedona add another quantum element to the transformational quantum work that Kenji is doing! I can say that I felt profound personal shifts as a result of the activations Kenji took us though, especially when compounded with the energy of the supportive Red Rocks. As many on the retreat will testify by personally witnessing, my fingerprints must have literally changed during the retreat, because for the duration of the retreat, my phone would not recognize them — talk about a shift!  And I’m not kidding.

And I simply cannot describe the connection you feel when you walk the canyons on the vortex hikes. The sacred connection with the land and the Ancients is there for you to experience and honor.

If you feel any need to be guided through transformational activations, all while being supported by some of the most powerful planetary energy in off-the-charts-beautiful scenery, I highly recommend you attend one of Kenji’s retreats. I’ll be back, no question, so see you there!”

– Ian Shelley, Producer and Host, Academy for the Soul Discovery Series, Producer, Academy Radio Show


Liberated Illumination through Trust and Empowerment, Ignighting Joyful Connection.

  • Masterclass: Full Moon/Past Lives

  • Masterclass: Quantum Expansion Through The 8:8 Lionsgate 2024

  • Masterclass: Mother Mary Birthday Blessings- Emotional Healing with Mother Mary

  • Masterclass: Mary Magdalene Feast Day/New Moon-Healing Your Sacred Womb Trauma with the Magdalene


Kenji’s latest tour packages

Follow Kenji on Instagram

Follow Kenji on Social Media


“Working with Kenji over the last three years has been an amazing pleasure. Kenji is a true catalyst for personal transformation. I have experienced changes, and through his retreats, I have seen others transform as well. Kenji shows individuals how to shift their energy creating lasting change with grace. In addition to his profound respect for each person, Kenji brings a sense of humor and joy to his teaching. If you have felt the impact of his activations on a tele-seminar, please come and experience Kenji in person.”

— Pradeep Gidwani, MD, MPH

“Kenji seems so well rounded, it’s like he reads right into you and knows exactly what you need.”

— Jerryne Harper

You touch thousands of souls and your story, your wisdom and knowledge keeps growing, expanding, blossoming as you share so graciously with all.

— John West, Lake Havasu City, AZ


I had been going through some financial challenges and it just randomly popped up. I hadn’t viewed it in over 8 years! So I took it as a sign to watch it again.  

I sat in my backyard on a beautiful Sunday morning with my dog and did the activation and felt wonderful afterward. I recited the prayer you gave us several times a day and on the following Friday morning, which was Memorial Day weekend, I received an email from a customer… who several weeks prior told me he was not going to renew his rather large contract with me…but now was reconsidering and wanted my best offer. 
By the following morning we arrived at an agreement and I had a commission of $13,568 deposited to my account the following week.
Thank you for all you do. I found you about 14 years ago on Jennifer McClean’s Healing With The Master’s show and I have followed you since.
Much Love and Light to you!

—Kris Olson


“A wonderful, transcendent experience of love and beauty.”

“No words to describe the incredible experience.”

“It was beautiful learning experience. It was like a quantum holiday”

“The retreat was like no other experience I have had. Kenji is a master at teaching within the quantum state. He created and held the state so that it surrounded and infused us and we learned through experience rather than words. It felt like being held in love and support as our blocks were cleared and we were given out gifts. I could literally feel myself shift inside and when I came back to my “real life” everything had changed. I thought I knew what being in my authentic self was, but now I finally inderstand what that feels like. Each morning when I wake up I know exactly what to do next toward my my purpose. It is difficult to believe that before the course I didn’t know why I was here. Words can’t express to the gratefulness I have for Kenji and for the work they bring forward to help light workers and the youth step onto their path and excel. Thank you for the gift of living my authentic self.”
—Rose, Edmonton, AB, Canada 2013

Kenji Shows You How to Shift Your Energy Creating Lasting Change with Grace

“Working with Kenji over the last three years has been an amazing pleasure. Kenji is a true catalyst for personal transformation. I have experienced changes, and through his retreats, I have seen others transform as well. Kenji shows individuals how to shift their energy creating lasting change with grace (I keep in touch with many past retreat participants). In addition to his profound respect for each person, Kenji brings a sense of humor and joy to his teaching. He is always growing as a teacher and generously shares his most recent insights. I am excited about the new format of his upcoming event and know it will be another transformative experience. If you have felt the impact of his activations on a tele-seminar, please come and experience Kenji in person.”
—San Diego

A Marvelous, Eye-Opening, Jaw-Dropping, Earth-Shaking Experience!

“What a marvelous, eye-opening, jaw-dropping, earth-shaking experience! Listening to Kenji’s attunements and then attending his Intensive … has opened an exponential flow of wonder and awe … the incredible feeling of oneness that permeated the Intensive continues to expand and permeate mind, emotions, body and soul. Kudos to Kenji and his staff for sharing with us this incredible QL world of wonder!”
—S. Lightworker, Joshua Tree, CA

I’ve Never Felt Such Love from Another Human Being

“Thank you for your work, for being you and for the profound sense of peace and calm I feel now. The holiday season has been a source of angst for me for the past ten years as I lost my mother, father, brother, partner all around the holidays ten years ago. It was an unhappy ending to an unhappy story of abuse, cancer, alcoholism, and the typical dysfunctional family system we see today.

I left home at an early age in an effort to escape and created the same situation in my new life with different faces on the players only to repeat the cycle again and again. I moved back to get to know them and try to understand just what the dynamics were and to try and heal us. Instead, it all unraveled, and they died strangers to me and my heart.

The only real love I’ve ever known has been from my animal friends. Somehow, I’ve managed to carve out a life and a living but there was always a hollow feeling- a sense of not really and truly mattering to anyone. I’ve lived most of my relationships with others like trying not to get run over in a parking lot. In one hour on the phone with you I feel more whole than I’ve ever felt in my entire life.

I’ve been studying metaphysics for over 30 years, meditation, you name it, but nothing has ever been as profound as this session with you was. A friend was asking me to describe the session and I could repeat some of the words you used but they really didn’t matter. What touched me was the love and space of connection to pure source that you hold so clearly.

I’ve never felt such love from another human being. I am so grateful and yes finally fulfilled. God bless you for your light. Most of all for bearing witness to the possibility for all of us to shine that light as well.”
—QL Client

Miracles Are Happening Every Day

“Thank you for changing my life and my being, since last year, when I start doing the attunements. The miracles are happening every day now, helping people in their health, inside beauty, outside beauty, releasing the darkness from all aspects of my life and my clients. Everything is amazing, because I am a beautician and healer, I apply your protocol even when I am doing facials, or massage, and after the session when I open my eyes the skin like ironed, no wrinkles, no spots, so beautiful.”
—Georgette, Brushelles, Canada


His Amazing Healing Work Is a Miracle

“I was diagnosed with breast cancer over one year ago… while listening to one of Kenji Kumara’s meditations, there was a cleansing of the lymph system. My experience was incredible. I had a lump under my arm and at the end of the meditation, the lump was gone! To say this man and his amazing healing work is a miracle is an understatement.”
—Joan, USA


I Listen Every Day

“I still listen EVERY day to your activations and enjoy everything you are sharing. You have brought through so many subtle but profound changes in the way I ‘think and act’ in my daily life – I don’t think anyone can understand, but I notice. So thank you!”

—Karen, Australia


"Kenji's 'wave' is like Triple falls in Asheville. It just gushes, leaving you no choice but to experience it’s beauty and intensity of its flow. This is the Divine Love. The wave inter-penetrated my cellular structure and exploded me back to love."

- L.J., Travelers Rest, S.C.

"You changed the direction of my life in 2013."

- Sharon T.

“Kenji, my life has truly been transformed, and I am a completely different person. You are so authentic and such a very gifted healer and I am so blessed to have connected with you.”

- Aisha Z. Shael

"Kenji is absolutely amazing and his work continually supports me to evolve into who I am meant to be and into the life I am meant to lead. I highly recommend Private sessions as they will 100% give you personal support and insight to transform every part of your life. I am so grateful to have Kenji in my life."

- Sacha Thoman

"Kenji's meditation activations are incredibly powerful! I've done two personal sessions with him and my life has been truly transformed."

- A.Z.S.

"Kenji is one of the best in his field and he is getting better and better."

— Matt H.

"Kenji has profound wisdom and shares it with compassion and comedy. He’s fun, makes one laugh while helping others to expand into their highest potential."

– Georgia S.

"Kenji brings in and amplifies frequencies of love and healing."

– Gary P.

This is an amazing healing journey that I’m on with Kenji's activations and I can’t thank you enough for that!”

– L.R.

“Kenji’s has a radiating, smiling humor. He has peaceful confidence and total conviction. Every time I listen to a program of his I feel at peace and confident and loving.”
-Francine D.

"Kenji, your meditations are truly Evergreen! Discovering this one almost 5 years after the original presentation, I’ve worked with it at least a dozen times in two weeks, sometimes three times in the day. With every replay I come to a new awareness of Balance and Harmony at so many levels, from “the most invisible to the most physical.”  Thank you!

- Teresa Bernard, MD

"You've changed my life "on the inside" and given me the tools to change what I see around me. A wonderful gift."

- K.S.

"You have changed my life in so many ways its immeasurable. Our relationship has evolved through the years as you've moved from teacher, guest, friend, mentor and soul brother.
You've helped me to heal my inner childhood fears, traumas...
You've taught me to live in the moment of joy and creation...
You've given me so many experiences of divine heaven and my own core truth...
You've created legendary experiences for millions of people...."

- D.B.

"Now you were brought to my life to re-activate my skills and power and I will again have all the skills needed to support your path."

- M.V.

"Many years ago I was listening to a podcast, it was you. The first time as a guest on her show and so close to losing your space yet you were profound, funny and gentle never a sense of urgency came through. Your box of CDs was the first thing I ever bought from any show like that. Amazing the gifts you had included. Even today the clarion call of light shines forth. Thank you for the timeless gifts, evergreen indeed. Knowing after every storm and sometimes even in the midst of one a rainbow is found. Light weaver you are a teacher of many gifts, thank you for the sharing."

- B.

"I have been a follower of your activations since the very beginning I think I even have one as a first ones that you did. It’s still active in Evergreen. It would knock me out almost every time that I listen to them. I continue to be inspired by all that you do."

- S.J

"you have helped me along the path for a long time now, in your early years you were just as powerful as you are now xoxo And you haven't lost your cool sense of humor, I love that xo and I love how you include our pets and loved ones across the veil."

- T.R.

"You were the one who guided me to experience myself as pure light for the first time ever. It’s a moment I will remember forever."

- K.J.

"The meditation on archetypes was life altering. Another meditation in 2019 where somehow my feet moved in. A new direction and I felt the literal earth move beneath my feet!!! Uh, I was lying down but my lifted shifted so dramatically I needed a book to explain how my vision changed and I saw things in a clear light"

- T.

"All of your classes have been in perfect synchronicity with collective consciousness."

- J.K.

"Remember 5 years ago this month? I do!! That retreat with you in Sedona changed my life. I could have never predicted all of the changes to come after that retreat. "

- Dianne, Sedona, AZ.

"I remember our work together well Kenji! What a gifted man of deap peace and joy you are. Your work is wonderful! "

- Dr. Laurie

"Oh my goodness 💕💗🌞🦄😻 THAT was AMAZING!!! I have listened and purchased many activations from you, Kenji … and this one in particular took me straight into the deep bliss and peace that I have been looking for. Thank you for guiding me back to the remembrance that nothing is ever lost…. and finding my way back home 🌟🌈💫 Thank you friend and fellow traveller."

- Cali, Vancouver Is, Canada

"Kenji, you are a blessing!! Since I got your package Redesign your Destiny in 2014, I have been listening to your stellar activations and they have been a real landmark in my life!! As you often say, your activations are really "organic and evergreen"— every time I listen to them, I'm in a state of Grace and am always taken to the next level. Kenji, you are out of this world, a being of Light, a real Godsend!! May our Father bless you for helping so many people on their spiritual path!! My eternal gratitude to you!!""

- Heloisa P

"Thank you Kenji; What a wonderful ride. Blessings..."

- Alberta

"Kenji, you are a blessing!! Since I got your package Redesign your Destiny in 2014, I have been listening to your stellar activations and they have been a real landmark in my life!! As you often say, your activations are really "organic and evergreen"— every time I listen to them, I'm in a state of Grace and am always taken to the next level. Kenji, you are out of this world, a being of Light, a real Godsend!! May our Father bless you for helping so many people on their spiritual path!! My eternal gratitude to you!"

-  Heloisa P.