Joyful transitions are like eclipses, full moon and spiritual gatherings that are a time of great change from the old to the new.

They act as harbingers and transformations. It is not easy moving locations, changing relationships, shifting careers, caregiving, parenting, the indigos and starseeds. Holding the space for the passing of family members, friends, colleagues and spouses.

Now is a time of this great shift in consciousness and knowledge. We trust in the process. Indeed, we know we are supported on our journey back home. We have gained much wisdom on our inward journey back to source.

So let’s take a moment now and feel this in your body without effort, without trying, without doing, and just be. Breathe, feel and be. Back into the light of knowing into realization and be you. So when you come into this now moment of beingness, you are you.

You are that infinitely expanded consciousness of beingness of you, the monad, the I am, the over soul. And remember that the earth and all the guides, the angelics, star beings that are part of your life health are always here to support you in these transitions.

Be it certain spiritual events upon the planet, eclipses, full moons, events like Lionsgate and 1111 stargate or portal, the solstices, the equinoxes, we sock festival, all of that. They are moments in timelessness where as you tune in, you’ll begin to know how to transition into your next step.

And it takes great courage and fortitude and commitment and focus to be in harmony with all of your little and big transitions that you are experiencing in life. So the main key here is to trust in your divine guidance as to how to make your next move, especially this year, physically, physical relocation, career changes, relationship changes, business upgrades.

And you don’t have to know the how of making these changes. Simply trust, pay attention to your guidance, your intuition, your inner knowing, trust it, follow it, do practical and common sense things to manifest more abundance, more financial stability, quality relationships, and pay attention to those promptings from the soul.

Trust it. And as you trust, you will be supported. So let’s take a deep breath and really breathe in and merge with that what you would call trust and support and know that you are divinely blessed each and every day.

So thank you for tuning in today. And for more information on events and offerings, please go to our website kenschmoor .com and especially check out our new membership program and our higher consciousness program, as well as our Sedona offerings.

Much change is in the air for this year. So please be a part of this great change without effort, with joy and love, faith and trust. So thank you for tuning in. Until next time, many blessings.


solar eclipse with Kenji Kumara


Hello and welcome to another Wednesday Musing. Today we'd like to share about distractions, which are also distortions of energy. And if you look at the world today, everywhere, there is extreme distractions.

On any level, on the swing of the pendulum. Why is that so? Well, it is so because the old structures, the old ways are being collapsed. They are falling apart on purpose because the old Piscean age has passed.

And we are moving into the Aquarian age of new innovations, new beginnings, new realities. So it is wise to allow the old structures to collapse so that the new can be reborn from the ashes of time and space.

Old ways of thinking, old belief systems, historical belief systems, historical conditioning imprints are not only being challenged, but they are collapsing before your very eyes so that the new, the new consciousness can be reborn.

So your body can be reborn, so that your mind can be reborn, for behold, you are making all things anew. You are beginning to know who you are, what you are, and how you are serving in love and truth.

Indeed, you are becoming conscious of being a divine creator manifesting form. Are you not? So how do we handle these distractions? Well, first of all, just know that's what they are, distractions. And you do not have to take on these distractions or this sense of responsibility for saving others or saving the world or correcting what is wrong in the world.

All you need to do is save yourself, the old saying goes, to save yourself so that you can know thyself and thereby be the example of change in the world. Through your knowing, shall you be known. By your light, shall you be known.

By your presence, you shall be known. So you may choose today to begin to release yourself from the effects of all distractions and distortions in this third, fourth dimensional realities. So you can move in to and become the fifth and higher dimensions.

The old is fading away and the new is being birthed by the coming of the sunrise and the moonrise in the east, the east of new beginnings. So you can imagine that the sun is beginning to rise in your east horizon that represents new awarenesses of how to handle and not be affected by overwhelming distortions and distractions.

Other people's belief systems about who and what you should be and how to do your life. Internally, your world is collapsing on purpose, so that new can be boring. New ideas, new innovations, new ways of relating to others, new ways to worship our Creator and nature.

So, be true to yourself and be open to all these beautiful new changes that are coming about. Your creativity, your new divine ideas are ready to rebirth. through your voice, through your hands, through your body.

So rejoice, for the Kingdom is indeed at hand. If you like this, go to kenjikumara .com and check out our new membership program and our upcoming mastery program, Awaken Your Higher Consciousness.

And remember to check us out on Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube. And if you're planning to come visit Sedona, check out our many offerings that we have here in Sedona for our beloved visitors, fans, friends and colleagues.

Have a beautiful day. Have a beautiful life. Many blessings. Namaste.