23rd Psalms Revisited
Kenji’s version in ( )
23rd Psalms
The Lord (Light and Love) is my Shepherd (my guide and source);
I shall not want (need).
He/She makes me to lay down in green pastures (7th Heaven);
He/She leadeth me beside the still waters (Mother Mary’s/Kwan Yin’s Garden of Healing).
He/She restoreth my soul (my mind and ego).
HeShe leadeth me along the path of righteousness (Soul path and Integrity) for His/Her Name’s sake (Kingdom of Heaven).
Yea, though I walk through the “Valley of the Shadow of Death” (Humanity’s collective fear and doubt – Earth changes), I AM fearing no evil (darkness, illusion), for Thou (Father-Mother God) areth with me.
Thy Rod (The Light) and Thy Staff (The Wisdom and Truth), they comfort me.
Thou prepare a table (resolution) before me in the presence of mine enemies (My fears and false beliefs);
Thou anointeth (bless) my head (Crown Chakra) with oil (the Living Light);
My cup (Soul center) runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy (Grace and Compassion) shall follow me all the days of my life (soul journey),
and I AM dwelling in the House (Heart of Creation, Central Sun) of the Lord forever (Eternity, Oneness, the Quantum).
Amen (So Be It, Indeed).