Awaken Your Higher Consciousness
Experience YOUR higher dimensions of thought, vision, and intention that will free you from old attachments and beliefs so you attract the NEW, the Unknown…YOUR Future Self you have access to right now.
Become a clear and perfect channel for your teachings you are here to bring to others right now!
Experience YOUR higher dimensions of thought, vision, and intention that will free you from old attachments and beliefs so you attract the NEW, the Unknown…YOUR Future Self you have access to right now.
Become a clear and perfect channel for your teachings you are here to bring to others right now!
It is time to… Awaken Your Higher Conciousness
Imagine waking up every day with the insight that helps you to effortlessly, joyfully and lovingly integrate your Higher Consciousness into your cellular structure in everyday life. Changes and shifts manifest so easily it’s as if it they’ve always been a part of your true nature…this online program is fast-track to this reality… that is, if you are ready for it!
The New Earth paradigm is here RIGHT NOW…
how much longer do you think you should wait to step into Your Future Self?
Don’t let another day pass you by …
Dearest One, what I’ve learned over these past 70+ years of being alive on this planet is that despite the ever-growing spiritual “industry,” many of us have gotten stuck in focusing on the external. This has further separated us from our innate connection with Divinity and the creative force of the Universe.
I’ve shined through my share of many a “dark night of the soul”– from near death experiences, divorce, a house fire, military service that left me battered and broken, homelessness, caregiving to my parents, to bankruptcy, and so much more, I became the seeker, the wanderer, the learner, and teacher.
This program is built upon the past ~ 50 years of studying with many leading-edge thinkers in the field of consciousness, psychology, education, energy healing, psycho-therapeutics, bodywork and spiritual counseling.
I’ve gathered this holistic body of work and the wisdom from all of those experiences, and have learned how to take the “higher wisdom” that comes in and how to anchor this into the reality of daily life. I want to mentor you to do the same in yours!
[Place Video Here]
“I’ve never attended a course of this depth. Kenji’s tranquil energy and preparation and his presence make the course even more unique…I have indeed been told by several people that I changed drastically.”
“In a very spontaneous way, Kenji has an almost ‘magical’ way of tuning into everyone’s energy, with pin-point accuracy and insight, guiding us to a place of KNOWING ourselves and our desires at a deeper level.”
“I felt privileged to be a part of the most wonderful, full of wisdom and filled with God’s presence class that Kenji offered…Kenji is an incredible, generous, beautiful Master Quantum Lightweaver and he goes above and beyond in all of his work.”
To the Star seeds, lightweavers, way-showers, life coaches, energy workers, change agents, etc. … all of those who are on the spiritual path to enlightenment and self-realization. This is YOUR opportunity to evolve your practice and teaching approaches and take them to the next level in this planetary ascension work and in your service to humanity.

Understanding Higher Consciousness
This refers to a state of expanded awareness and understanding that goes beyond our everyday perception of reality. It is a state of being where we are able to tap into our inner wisdom and connect with a higher power or universal consciousness. This level of consciousness allows us to see beyond the limitations of our ego and experience a deeper sense of unity and interconnectedness with all beings.
These quantum modules are designed to recalibrate, redesign, reconfigure and realign your complete energetic template and matrix. Each meeting is an intensive inner journey of receiving the class transmission, engaging in Q & A and integrating empowerment attunements. These modules serve as “initiations” into higher consciousness and the ascension of your physical body into the Light. Your Guides for this course will vary according to the theme of the meetings. Each meeting is 2 hours recorded with replay.
The cumulative benefits you can expect to experience on a regular basis when you join the program:
♥ Self-empowered actions and follow-throughs
♥ Being more masterful in your relationships
♥ Business flow and abundance
♥ Depth in your daily meditations/prayers
♥ Creativity and authentic expression
♥ Love and compassion to Self and body
♥ Clarity, focus and commitment
♥ More joy, laughter, and spontaneity
♥ More inner peace, stability, and serenity
♥ Receive intuitive flows and clear seeing
♥ A centeredness and power in all that you do
Here’s a breakdown of each module and the journey that you’ll go on when you join the program:
These quantum modules are designed to recalibrate, redesign, reconfigure and realign your complete energetic template and matrix. Each meeting is an intensive inner journey of receiving the class transmission, engaging in Q & A and integrating empowerment attunements. These modules serve as “initiations” into higher consciousness and the ascension of your physical body into the Light. Your Guides for this course will vary according to the theme of the meetings. Each meeting is 2 hours recorded with replay.
Module One: Who AM I? Exploration In Consciousness
We will explore the nature of answering questions like, who AM I within the nature of things? Who AM I in this experience? In this situation? In this challenge? Who AM I apart from my ego-personality, physical body, emotions & feelings, and mental thoughts?
Your Guides: The Arcturian High Council and St Germain
Module Two: Your Divine Purpose Remembered
We will catalyze your Divine Mission and Vision Statements for this incarnation and bring through from your Akashic Records relevant past lives and alternative lives in the higher dimensions so you can begin to “integrate your Innate Intelligence” in practical ways for physical manifestation.
Your Guides: The Arcturian High Council and Snant Kumara
Module Three: Who I AM And How I Serve In The World
We’ll explore how you can serve in truth and love asking key questions of How do I serve myself? The world? This is an alignment around your spiritual path versus the “everything else” in your life. Do you know how you serve Love and Truth in the world? We will journey deep within to experience the answer.
Your Guides: The Pleiadian High Council and Metatron
Module Four: Your Upper Room Dimensions
In the Upper Room and quantum consciousness, we’ll work on aligning, accessing, and integrating 5th-12th dimensional consciousness by working with Light Bodies clearing, alignments and empowerments. We will activate to the next level your Rainbow Light Body (I AM Presence, Monadic Body, Deathless Solar Body) as you begin to integrate and align your “channels of expression) into the New Earth.
Your Guides: Your highest frequency guides
Module Five: The Power Of The Word
We will go through the Power of Declarations and Intentions, the Power of Grace and Blessings, and the differences between Divine Will versus Personal Will and healing the separation of the two. In the beginning was the Word ….. and the Word was made manifest ……… and it was Good. We will take an inward journey into the conscious use of the power of the Word.
Your Guides: Yeshua/Sananda and Mary Magdalene
Module Six: Mastery Beyond The Veil Of Time And Space
As divine creators manifesting through a body, we will experience the mastery of energy, vibration, and frequency as it applies to physical manifestation. We will journey beyond the Veils into the nature of things and the truth behind the illusion of separation. We will delve into your psychic “blind spots” and heal the subconscious of energetic blocks in consciousness.
Your Guides: Andromedan High Council Siriran High Council
Module Seven: You Are As God Created You
This will be a remembering that you are as God created you To Be. We will journey beyond the self-created illusionary self and reclaim and renown our natural divinely inherited infinite and Eternal High Self. We will bring the Inner Child up to present time and merge your little one with the rest of Your Self in a balance and gentle manner so your personality self can be integrated and whole.
Your Guides: Mother Mary and Joseph
Module Eight: Grounding With The New Earth Matrix
We will explore the integral levels of the Base Chakra and your relationship to the world and Nature as it relates to the creation of sacred space and the rise of New Earth. We will take a deep dive into how your balance root chakra plays a role in your feeling safe and secure in the physical world as we realign with the Devas and Elementals of Inner Earth.
Your Guides: Telos (Mt Shasta) and the Golden Robe Ones from Inner Earth
Module Nine: Reclamation Of Your Sacred Womb
We will bring mastery into your Sacred Womb space and sacral chakra that helps you in healing past Timelines and bringing in new potential probabilities. This module will support you in stepping out of the shadow of Time. We will experience what a clean and clear womb space feels like and how to use this creative energy in manifesting in sacred relationships.
Your Guides: Mary Magdalene and the Order Of The Rose
Module Ten: Reknowing Your Solar Power
We will bring in a new level of mastery of your Solar Plexus Chakra, the reclamation of your power and strength and the infusion of the Breath Of Fire. We will experience the solar power that resides in this powerful energy center and reknow who and what you are as a solar Being of Light.
Your Guides: The Seraphim and The Order of Mt. Melchizedek
Module Eleven: Ignition Of The 3-Fold Flame Of Your Heart
We will inwardly unfold, ignite, and facilitate the power of the 3-Fold Flame of your sacred heart (Chakra) and reclaim the power of infinite love and compassion. We will reunite the 3 major creation rays of Will, Love and Divine Intelligence in a sacred ceremony on the inner planes.
Your Guides: Mother Mary
Module Twelve: The Redesign Of Your Voice And Telepathy
We will redesign your voice and your throat chakra. We will reclaim the Voice and Power of expression and bring vibrational balance and harmony to the Thyroid Gland. The energetic bands of restriction will be lifted so the Voice can begin to speak freely once again on many levels.
Your Guides: The Arcturian High Council
Module Thirteen: Restructuring The Pineal-Pituitary Marriage
The Pineal and Pituitary glands are most important in the ascension process and the rising of the serpent fire. We will journey into resetting and recalibrating these glands with the Central Sun matrix and the Solar Logos. We will align these spiritual glands with the Crystal Palace, the Kundalini Channels, Original 8 Cells of Creation, the solar plexus chakra and Christos Energy.
Your Guides: Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus
Module Fourteen: Cosmic Consciousness And Downloads
We will work with your higher dimensional Chakras (7-12), as you begin to re-know your Innate and ancient knowledge of your spiritual lineage. We will take an inner integrative journey deep into the Quantum atmosphere of Light and Sound so you can regather and reclaim your missing solar fragments and aspects.
Your Guides: Elohim and Metatron
Module Fifteen: Re-tuning Your Alignment With The Devas
The Nature Spirits or Devas (Shining Ones) are integral in the ascension of humanity and GAIA into the next octave of Light and learning. We will take a magical inner journey into Inner Earth so we can remember who we are in relationship to this Kingdom of Nature. We will be given gifts from this Kingdom to bring back to Earth for her healing.
Your Guides: The Angelics: Elohim, Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Archangels, Guardian Angels, Dominions, Principalities and Powers
Module Sixteen: Synchronization Of Your Higher Chakras
We will activate and empower our higher chakra centers (7-12) and infuse the integration of our whole chakra system with the 13th Chakra/Ray. We will bring balance, chakra-brain reorganization, recalibration, and harmony to your Buddhic/Causal Body, Atmic Body and Logic Body through the Christos Energy.
Your Guides: Spiritual Hierarchy and Metatron
“I love to see what comes through Kenji in each class. I especially love when it is something that is unexpected even to him because it just shows that he is a clear and perfect channel for Source.”
“I just adore the purity of Kenji’s energy. His humbleness! I feel like I’m in real company with the group as if we were old friends … I am very grateful for everyone in the group.”
About Your Mentor & Guide In This Program
For the past 53 years, I have been the seeker, the wanderer, the nomad, the student, the learner after having asked God to show me the way of healing, teaching and meditation.
My lifelong “calling” is one of service to all those that are ready to hear.
My vision is that I see a world living in peace and harmony and reconnecting with the divine forces of Nature and the Spirit of the New Earth.
I’ve gathered this holistic body of work and the wisdom from over 50 years of working with many different modalities, and through many experiences that led me to a “dark night of the soul” … all of those experiences, I’ve learned how to take the “higher wisdom” that comes in and how to anchor this into the reality of daily life.
I’m excited to bring this program to life for you and offer this with one clear intention: to allow you to reclaim your own higher state of knowing and wisdom.
~ Kenji Kumara

This is for you if you feel called to unleash your ability to:
♥ Lift the veil of forgetfulness fully
♥ Access your higher self and higher consciousness more than ever before
♥ Ignite your divine sovereign power of the who you truly are
♥ Receive tools that will serve your highest good
♥ Unleash your ability for understanding how to use quantum flow in your everyday life
Join the program now!
Receive these bonuses when you join:
♥ 5 Inner Circle Conclave temple mp3 meditations;
valued at $150
♥ 2021 Christ Meditation Package (PDFs, download links); valued at $430
♥ 2022 Special Events Package (PDFs, download links);
valued at $560
♥ One free 60 min Zoom 1:1 mentoring session via zoom;
valued at $500
♥ Access to any pre-recorded program during the length of this program; value varies
♥ 50% off a product of your choosing; value varies
♥ 2 World Puja Networks Episodes; value priceless
Behold, you are making all things anew!
“I am someone who feels, Enlightened. I am in a steady mood of Joy and Love regardless of the outside circumstances. But the expansion is never ending and this is what I love about you Kenji. Activations like this have enhanced my psychic abilities, such as healing, seeing the future, hearing my guidance clearer. I love you and am so very Grateful to you and all who work with your light!! Love the Balloon release btw.”
Who isn’t this program for?
♥ Those that have a lot of unresolved trauma
♥ Those that don’t feel called to reach a higher state of consciousness or ready to take on this “next level” inner work responsibility and accountability
♥ Those that don’t feel an “inner calling” to serve others and tend to lean more into focusing primarily on materialism and values that support it
How are the modules organized?
The modules are organized in a sequential order in order to build a strong foundation for the intergration for the content of this program, they build upon one another and have accumulative benefits. Modules are live and evergreen and work overtime as needed.
How much does the program cost?
Total Cost: $2,700; $2,200 Early Bird
4 Payments of $675
12 Payments of $225
Regular Retail Price $4,000 usd. (Regular $14,400 usd. Save $10,400 usd)
Is there a way I can work with Kenji throughout the program?
Yes, the 1 on 1 Membership and Envisioning Sessions complement and support the program.
What bonuses are included if I join?
5 Inner Circle Conclave temple mp3 meditations;
Valued at $150.
2021 Christ Meditation Package (PDFs, download links); Valued at $430.
2022 Special Events Package (PDFs, download links);
Valued at $560.
One free 60 min Zoom 1:1 mentoring session via zoom;
Valued at $500.
Access to any pre-recorded program during the length of this program; Value Varies.
50% off a product of your choosing; Value Varies.
2 World Puja Networks Episode; Value priceless.