As the new earth rises, awakening consciousness also rises through those souls who are here to serve in spiritual mentorship roles for the emerging humanity.

Are you an awakened soul seeking guidance and confidence to embody the power of your divine purpose? 

Do you feel you are here to serve in a mentorship, guidance/coaching capacity to help others realize these goals?

If you are longing for deeper meaning, self-actualization, and new ways to express the innate power of your spiritual gifts, you are here to help facilitate the evolution of the emerging spiritual/divine human.

You crave something more than achievement or success in the material world. This seeking arises from deep within your soul. It is written in your cellular blueprint, and emanates from the inner matrix of all reality.

The longing for self-realization, enlightenment and illumination is a natural progression of the ascension process. 

Some of the collective challenges we now face are manifestations of the divine feminine and divine masculine energies striving to balance themselves, as the New Earth consciousness moves toward harmony, peace, and cooperation.

As chaos and uncertainty unfold around us, the emerging divine feminine amplifies the energies of love, rebirth, transformation, new beginnings, and self-healing power.

When we tap into this emerging divine feminine, we activate these energies of nurturing support, which aid in healing the wounded divine masculine within each of us and in the collective.

The balance that is being sought by these two forces is illustrated beautifully in the Taoist principles of yin and yang, and the flowing middle line that maintains perpetual harmony.

This harmony is expressed individually as the hemispheres of our physical brain and nervous system come into resonance with one another, bringing balance of thought, emotion and action.

Through this balancing of opposite forces, we can create inner peace and tranquility, heal from childhood trauma, and discover the love that is always emanating from God, our higher source, or our inner spirit. And from this place of inner balance, we can bring healing into the world around us.

Empowerment Lies Within You

If you are one of those light-bringer souls who yearns to express your higher purpose in the great awakening that is taking place at this time, I invite you to relax into the following inner explorative meditation. 

My aim is to help you to tap into the wellspring of knowledge and wisdom that resides within your cellular blueprint so it can be more fully embodied and expressed in your body, mind and spirit.

This meditation is a gift and is designed to allow you to tap into the wellspring of knowledge and wisdom that resides within your cellular blueprint, so that it can be more fully expressed in your body, mind and spirit in this very important time! 

A great trick is to record the below into a device and then you can activate yourself using this meditation anytime you feel like you need it. 

Find a quiet setting, away from external distractions and noise as best you can (these days it’s hard, but we do the best we can!). 

Use your breathing to relax your mind and body and to disengage your awareness from 3-D reality.

Know that you are more than your emotional body and your intellect. Connect with your soul which exists above the plane of this physical world.

Imagine moving into a beautiful circle of light where you are surrounded by the loving and nurturing oneness of your highest self, your God-consciousness, or your spirit.

With every breath, connect your heart-center with your soul-contract or agreement. Ask that your soul’s destiny and purpose be revealed to you. Feel the vibration of your reason for being here on earth at this time. Merge with your soul’s purpose.

Acknowledge within your deepest self the importance of your life goals, and the skills and talents you are and are not yet aware of that are here to guide you on your soul’s divine path.

Ground yourself in this awareness of your divine purpose. Breathe its knowing into your heart and allow it to emanate from your heart center throughout all the organs and limbs of your body, anchoring your feet firmly on the path of your destiny.

Remain in this place of love and expanded awareness as long as you like while your brain and body gently integrate the light of this higher wisdom.

When you are ready to come back to this reality, know that this light always surrounds you… that you are never alone, that you are an integral part of the new earth consciousness.

Embody this understanding that is greater than your intellect and your physical body and know that it is ever present and available to bring you peace, balance and tranquility, and to facilitate the development of your soul.

It is done.

Hello and welcome to another Joyful Tune In and today I'd like to read you some notes that came through the other day on past life influences. This is a follow -up to a tune -in that we did before on past lives and I'm sure we will continue to add further content on this very popular subject these days.

Past life influences. We bring to this incarnation the unresolved and incomplete lessons from our most recent past or parallel lives. Our core issues reflect our past patterns now being called to be made whole again.

Our core woundings from in utero birthing and early childhood reflect our major life lessons from a spiritual perspective. These core patterns are reflected in our parent -child relationships primarily but, also in our first love or marriage, our first divorce or separation, and/or from our first loss of a loved one including pets.

Our aura field contains a level that is called your past life aura. Some can be said of same. The same can be said of your akashic records and the same can be said of our chakra system. Your gateway from the ethereal to the physical when you are out of control in a situation or relationship, what is reflected here is a plain out of a core pattern in your four lower bodies: your emotions, your thoughts, your energy, and your physical body.

With contemplation you can access or be tuned into these core patterns, with the inner knowing of how to heal it and bring it into the present time, grounded in your new earth reality. Remember this, the obvious is never true, is one saying.

The other is F -E -A -R: false evidence appearing real. We must go deep into our subconscious to uproot these unconscious ingrained imprinting, which comes from culture, religion, politics, and self -creative beliefs and ideas of self and God.

By your creative ideas, you shall become free. By your new choices, you become freer to be. By sincere effortless commitment, you shall be free. So let's just take a moment and we just reflect on our past, our history, and whatever is coming up that appears to be outstanding or has energy in it now and just be with that.

Be with that core pattern. Bring it into love, bring it into the heart center, bring it into your power center. Bring it into your soul, your spirit and reimagine that that energy is now being completely loved and supported so that it can self heal so that it now can become part of your joy, part of your light, part of your inspiration and moving forward on your ascension path.

Just simply be with it, breathe, allow, accept, and know that all is already healed. And let this energy move throughout the rest of your day into this week, knowing that you are free. And that whatever has happened in the past, is the past and can now be received wholly and unconditionally into that place that we call unconditional love and allowance.

So thank you for tuning in, and please go to our website to check out our new offerings, events, and products. And have a very wonderful week. Be blessed. Be you. Be free. Many blessings.