Do you have feelings of overwhelm and disorientation in current times? If so, listen to this grounding exercise, encouraging deep breathing, centering, and connecting with your inner self. This is a time to discern personal truth amidst external chaos, many of us...
You are awakening to a desire for deeper inquiry into your higher purpose, so it’s a time when many are searching for deeper answers, like you, and this is where the past lives and ancestral conversation usually comes into the picture in a powerful way. If you’re...
Karma, as you may know, is a term originating from eastern philosophies that describes the issues we bring into this lifetime to learn, heal or resolve. This concept is also expressed in western culture. For instance, the Christian faith follows the tenet: You reap...
Hello and welcome to another joyful tune in. Let’s have some fun and today let’s go into fear, which is as someone said many decades ago, fear is basically false evidence appearing real. And it has also been said that anything created from fear is not...
Hello and welcome to another Wednesday’s Musings. So let’s go into this whole notion of change and why it is necessary during these times of great Earth changes to be open and to surrender to this level of change. Now, historically, as you know, humanity...