- To ask your Creator: What would you have me to, see and say today?
- You can become the teacher of What and Who You Are
- All fear is doubt about yourself and who you are
- The Truth shall be revealed to you as you Ask with an open heart and mind
More Blog Entries
Living in Fear or Living in Love
Hello and welcome to another joyful tune in. Let's have some fun and today let's go into fear, which is as someone said many decades ago, fear is basically false evidence appearing real. And it has also been said that anything created from fear is not real, is not...
Understand Resistance: Surrendering to Change
Hello and welcome to another Wednesday's Musings. So let's go into this whole notion of change and why it is necessary during these times of great Earth changes to be open and to surrender to this level of change. Now, historically, as you know, humanity has had great...
Achieving Higher-Self: Embracing Internal and External Change
Hello and welcome to another joyful tune -in. We'd like to tune in further on the theme of change for this year presents all of us with an opportunity for great internal and external changes that will affect the course of our lifetime. This is a very very big year. So...