Join me, Kenji Kumara, as I guide you through a profound spiritual journey of transformation and Divine Connection. In this meditation, I emphasize the power of breath, mindfulness, and centering to help you align with your inner truth amidst the great shifts taking place on our planet.
As the old structures dissolve to make way for the new, it is essential to stay grounded in your Divine Connection, fully present with your higher self. Through conscious breathing and energetic alignment, you can strengthen this Divine Connection, release distractions, let go of limiting beliefs, and embody the presence of your divine truth. This practice supports your spiritual growth and enhances your ability to navigate life with clarity and purpose.
I also share insights on standing in your power, embracing spiritual transformation, and manifesting your highest potential. You’ll be guided to release past sufferings, clear energetic blockages, and create prayers that align with your soul’s purpose, deepening your Divine Connection with the higher realms.
By nurturing your Divine Connection, you open yourself to the flow of soul wisdom and higher consciousness. This session introduces my self-mastery programs, designed to strengthen your Divine Connection and support you on your path of awakening. You’re also invited to practice daily meditative exercises to cultivate life alignment and elevate your earthly experience.
Whether you are new to this journey or well along your path, this meditation will help you reconnect with your Divine Connection, embrace your true essence, and move forward with confidence, grace, and empowerment.
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Hello, this is Kenji Kumara from Sedona, Arizona.
And today I’d like to share with you some thoughts given
the great changes that are being initiated upon the planet. And as you know, we are in a time of great transformation and change. The old is collapsing so the new can be born once again in a new way.
So let’s take a moment and to tune in. Using the power of the breath to focus and to center. Breathing in through the nose, into the belly, and then take that light and qi and prana up into the lungs, the upper diagram. And as you exhale, you may exhale through the mouth, a very long and slow and deep exhale.
Planting your feet, so to speak, firmly upon the new earth.
Opening up the space above your head, opening up all of your chakras, so that the spiritual energies can flow into and through your body, especially through your endocrine system, as we activate pineal, pituitary, thalamus, hypothalamus, and medulla, opening up the sacred heart, igniting the threefold flame of divine will, love, and intelligence, or power.
Coming into the here and now, the power of the breath. As you let go of all illusions that you may have been entangled with since the beginning of time,
bringing awareness back into that pure state of beingness of unlimited light, love, and consciousness.
Letting go of your to do lists. Letting go of everything and everybody for this moment. So that you can tune in to the I Am, to the Lord God of your being.
Now, we’re going to share with you some reminders. Especially from now. Into the early part of next year,
the truth shall set you free and everything that is created from and through love is real and is eternal.
Everything that is created from fear and doubt is an illusion.
So the challenge in these times of great transformation and change is to know what is true for you and what is not. Keep whatever is divinely true for you and disregard, dismiss. Do not accept anything that does not agree with your I am presence, your soul, your oversoul, your body. Anything that you know that is not true for you, dismiss it, disregard it.
Do not accept it into your field or your body or your brain. That is your divine right.
Then you can stand in your true power, grounded
within the soul, within the I Am.
So many things will be triggered.
Anything that feels not true for you, do not accept it. Thank you very much, but no thank you. Take a deep breath.
For the keynote, for this golden age of so called enlightenment for planet Earth is one of truth and freedom. So you are always reminded to stand in your truth, your power, your freedom to be, your freedom to express. Be not concerned about what others may think or feel about you or what you are doing.
That is none of their business. And reverse. also applies.
Breathing deeply the light.
Now, we have come forth upon the planet, you and I and the guides, because it is our calling. It is part of our soul contract, so to speak. It is what we do and who we are. We come to be of service. Because humanity has been called, or humanity has called, for release from the illusion,
from the dogma, from the conditioning and imprinting, this planet is going to be set free from the illusion that has been put upon it.
We have come because we wish to serve all those that are ready to receive and to remember
because it is our true nature to share and to support and to love.
So imagine that all your prayers have already been answered,
but we can do this little exercise right now. So as you move into the higher dimensions of beingness.
Completely free of the illusion of time, space, the earth construct, your reincarnational cycle of birth and rebirth.
And all the misguided teachings that have been upon the planet for a very long time. So as you become clear of all of that, you can create a prayer to the universe, because you are a divine creator manifesting in form. You are the power of the word made manifest.
Create a prayer.
Be guided as to that prayer,
and send it out to the universe.
And then, feel in your body as you open up all of the senses of the body. Sight, hearing, feeling, touch, smell,
knowingness, intuition, instincts. Open up all of your senses to feel that prayer already being done in your body.
Feel it in every organ of your body, in every cell. Feel it throughout your brain, your nervous system, your endocrine system, your circulation, your blood, your bones. Especially your bones, your skin, your liver, your heart, your kidneys, your stomach.
Feel it as if it is already done.
And then now move into this feeling state of gratitude, appreciation, thankfulness. In trust and faith,
breathe slowly and deeply, allow,
and one last step here.
So take all of your suffering from your past, all the stress, the suffering, the anxiety, the hardships, the doubt, the fear, the anger, the confusion, the shame, the guilt, everything, the joy, the bliss, the blessings, everything
from your past. And bring it through your knowingness onto the altar of divinity. Give it over. Surrender it.
Let it go.
And take a deep, slow breath and know that it is done. It is done. It is done in this now moment on all levels of consciousness and embodiments.
Know that you’re divinely blessed and supported always.
Now bring in your guides, your highest frequency guides. Be one with them, your beautiful guides, Whomever they may be, from wherever they may come from.
Activating pineal, pituitary, thalamus, hypothalamus, and medulla. Keeping the throat chakra open, the crown chakra open, the heart chakra open, base of your spine grounded with the new earth.
And receive the blessings, the power of grace. For your body, for all parts of your body, all organs of your body, all glands of your body, all systems, especially your bones and your connective tissues, your muscles,
toe joints, ankle, knees, hips, pelvis, fingers, wrists, elbows, shoulder joints, neck joints, your whole spinal column, feel as if Your whole spine is bathed in the power of blessings, grace. Joy.
Now, allow the I Am to unfold your whole body and your field, stepping aside the ego, the emotional body, and the mental body. Begin to allow the creative channels from you, the I Am, Lord God of your being, to your body. So that now, the voice of God, which is your voice, can speak freely through your throat, can express freely through your hands as creativity.
Through your feet as groundedness and centeredness, peace and calm. Through the crown chakra and the third eye, center as divine wisdom.
And through the heart as divine compassion and unconditional love for self and others.
Now allow this flow of energy to continue until complete. Keep your channels open. Keep your body open to receiving.
Now, if you love what you are experiencing and relate energetically to this activation, this empowerment, this attunement, this meditation, we are offering a self mastery program, Awaken Your Higher Consciousness,
as well as two beautiful 5-day Sedona retreats.
And for those of you that wish to take little steps, In your ascension journey, we are offering a very creative membership program called Joyful Creations Academy.
So you may go to KenjiKumara.com and check out our offerings. And in the meantime, practice this meditation on your own. Create your own version of this meditation and do this daily. So it is like a spiritual warrior needs to have an exercise program. or a conditioning program. So this serves as that. The more you exercise your spiritual muscles and get into spiritual shape, the more profound your earth expression will be.
The more creative your life will become. The more loving will be your interactions with the peoples of the earth, your family. Your pets and those on the other side.
Remember, all loss is but a gain.
All lessons turn into wisdom.
And you, indeed, create your experiences upon the planet. So choose now to be a Divine Creator manifested in form.
And remember, you are always loved and supported and blessed by the Unseen Realms. They’ll watch over you 24 7, even in the dream time.
So thank you very much for listening and absorbing. We have many more of these to come, so you may also check out our YouTube channel, our Instagram channel, our Facebook channel, and our Pinterest channel.
And please feel free to visit Sedona anytime for a Sacred Vortex hike and or a wave session. in my home.
Many blessings to you, and know, no matter what happens, that you will get there. You will arrive. You will accomplish your Earth mission, for you are destined for that manifestation. As within, so without. As you believe, so it is. Energy follows thought. Be at peace. Be the love that you are.