1:1 Mentorship Program
Work with Kenji 1:1 in a Spiritually-Focused Mentorship Program
1:1 Mentorship Program
Work with Kenji 1:1 in a Spiritually-Focused Mentorship Program
Guidance for those who are undergoing an even greater awakening for deeper self-actualization and purpose—not just achievement.
Kenji Kumara is now offering a guided spiritual mentorship program (with privatized options) for illumination, liberation, and greater empowerment connecting to your Higher Purpose – in a unique and powerful time as humanity moves into the Golden Age, the Age of Aquarius… the time all of us light bearers have been waiting for!
Kenji offers a mentorship program that is all-encompassing that lifts up into spirituality and into the connection of your entire being that includes your business (or the one that’s soon-to-launch), your life, and your spiritual growth ongoing practice.

Because you are ready to teach and guide others and make a far greater impact through your work…
This program is specifically for:
- Awakened Souls and Activators
- Emissaries of the Light, e.g.: light bearers, lightworkers, light warriors
- Wayshowers and Change Agents
- Ambassadors of Freedom and Thought Leaders
- Illuminaries, Intuitives, 5D coaches, and oracles
…and in general, caring persons like you who want to deepen your impact and lift up others!
you deserve something much more. Mentorship that goes deeper, is more advanced, and will help get you to this “next level” that you seek as you move into the phase to make a larger impact on the people you are here to serve.
… you are ready to unleash the next level of your brilliance, creativity, impact, and power!
The revolutionary shift happening globally means that you need to know how to support and empower the people you currently serve (or desire to serve) in more profound ways.
The reward and ongoing joy in the experience to join Kenji in this next-level mentorship program is that you will tap into the Divine Flow, Your Joy, and Remembrance of why you came here.

Because you are ready to teach and guide others and make a far greater impact through your work…
you will be provided with:
- Tools to become your own unique version of an enlightened master and how-to fully embody ascended consciousness
- Guidance to empower your ability to access the Akashic Records to enhance your innate spiritual gifts and ancient wisdom
- Activations for your unique gifts, skills and abilities supporting a thriving business practice and your unique pathway
- Tools to reach deeper into your soul signature through alignment with your I AM-Heart connection
- An open and safe space to bring in the higher understanding of your destiny for this next-level awakening
- Chakra and aura work for clearing the blocks in consciousness and the mental body and manifestation
All of this will help YOU have deeper intimacy, create thriving relationships, awaken spiritual potential, and make a difference in the lives of others!
Kenji provides sessions that are spontaneous 5th dimensional activation for your DNA/Consciousness using guided exercises for balancing your 5D Chi, higher light body organization, kundalini preparation, and central channel calibration (there is no “template” or “cookie cutter” approach to this work).
Divine Balance – Harmony – Integration
Private 1:1 Mentoring
All sessions including replay/download/transcription
1 Session $500.
Package of 3 sessions $1350. (Save $150)
Package of 5 sessions $2000. (Save $500)
Payment options available
Send your request to interview for the program to Kenji:
“It was a wonderful experience working with you as my mentor/teacher for the last 5 weeks. The Divine led me to you, and I am so grateful you said yes to mentoring me. You were so gracious and generous in sharing your wisdom, higher knowledge and peaceful presence with me. My inner child felt truly held, supported and safe during all of our sessions. I also appreciated how much was accomplished in only 5 short sessions together as we completed everything on my original list and tons of personal transformation! Thank you for all your loving support and kindness. May you be blessed in all ways with abundance, love and prosperity.”
— Laura Hosford, Sacred Oracle for the Divine Feminine Rising
The Qualifications and Agreement for Mentorship:
- You will have already healed a majority of your emotional and psychological core issues and early childhood traumas
- You have the ability to manifest financial security and flow
- You have a healthy business, interpersonal and personal relationships
- You are open-minded and have emotional vulnerability
- Possess a dedication to your spiritual path and enlightenment and self-realization
- Are committed to mentorship assignments and learning experiences
- Are true and faithful to your practice
- Have a willingness to drop further into the full realization of your unique journey here
Kenji’s Commitment to You:
- To serve you in the highest good and in the best way possible with a child-like curiosity as a clear channel for grace and blessings
- Support your spiritual path with love and openness
- To work AS ONE with you creating a safe and open space
- Full and open offering of his learned techniques, exercises, invocations, visualizations, meditations, empowerments, attunements, activations and initiations as needed
Questions for Application:
- What is your Soul Design and Destiny, your soul signature?
- What are your objectives for this year (be specific)?
- What are your goals by this year or in a year’s timeframe?
- What do you desire to manifest?
- What are any known unconscious blocks that may still arise, doubts and fears with your mental, emotional and body?
- What are your ancestral and family patterns that you inherited or are influenced by?
- Is your Inner Child healed and integrated with You?
- How strong are your boundaries and sensitivities?
- Who are your spiritual guides and mentors (aka angels, etc.)?
Kenji Will Work With:
- The power of questions
- 5D perspectives
- Akashic Records, angels, masters and star councils
- Your agreement with New Earth
- Your Chi flow, MicroCosmic Orbit, chakra flows, auric emanations, Antakarana and I AM connection
- Potential past life memories of Atlantis, Lemuria, Maladek and the Sirian Star Cluster
- Any in utero, birthing and early childhood memories
- Family enmeshment patterns
- Reward and punishment patterns
- Any feelings of fear of God that has resulted from dogmatic religion experiences
Divine Balance – Harmony – Integration
Private 1:1 Mentoring
All sessions including replay/download/transcription
1 Session $500
Package of 3 sessions $450 (Save $1050)
Package of 5 sessions $400 (Save $2100)
Payment options available
Send your request to interview for the program to Kenji: