Do you have this nagging feeling that your relationship is not exactly right?
Do you suspect that it might be toxic?
What if it is true…?
There is quite a bit of talk going on about codependency, toxic relationships and the dangers of a narcissist… How do you get clear on what is exactly happening in your life?
Not an easy question to answer…
Yet, 10 years ago Angelica Isis Azura set on a quest to get clear about her own relationship with her husband. Step by step she would gather one piece of the puzzle at the time until one day she managed to see the whole picture and put unhealthy relationships behind her!
The post traumatic situation was so devastating that she vowed to help anyone who is caught in a toxic relationship.
So, Angelica connected to her heart and intuition to energetically attract an amazing team of healers, authors, speakers, visionaries, mystics and relationship experts to help you get clear on the level of toxicity in your relationship and even show you the first steps to find the way out of these unhealthy relationships.
Not only is this event is free, but it is also short, concise and straight to the point.
It features 7 finely-tuned best experts in this field and I AM PART OF IT!
Join this amazing interview series.