If all lessons and life experiences are Gifts, then one has no need to feel guilty, resentful or ashamed of these experiences – and can look forward to the Blessings that these lessons offer. If you forget the certainty of the past, then you can live in the Now Moment each day. Since the Love of God lives within You, you can live the Peace of God, live by the Truth and Be Yourself. Your sense of loss comes from fear. What is of Love is never lost. I AM means you are the awareness and recognition of the Unity of All Life. Be the Peace.
I AM as God created me



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Navigating Sudden Change

And welcome to another Wednesday Musing. Today I'd like to share with you some feedback I've gotten from some friends and clients recently. So it does appear that many are going through very sudden changes. Example, all of a sudden losing a loved one, a family member...

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Finding Balance in Times of Great Change

Finding Balance in Times of Great Change

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