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Navigating Sudden Change
And welcome to another Wednesday Musing. Today I'd like to share with you some feedback I've gotten from some friends and clients recently. So it does appear that many are going through very sudden changes. Example, all of a sudden losing a loved one, a family member...
Finding Balance in Times of Great Change
Hello, and welcome to another joyful tune -in. So let's take a moment to center and ground to the power of the breath. Going to the here now. I am here, I am now, and I am. And today, we're going to talk about balance and why it's important, especially in these times...
Navigating Distraction, Distortions of Energy, and Overwhelm
Hello and welcome to another Wednesday Musing. Today we'd like to share about distractions, which are also distortions of energy. And if you look at the world today, everywhere, there is extreme distractions. On any level, on the swing of the pendulum. Why is that so?...