Hello, I am Kenji Kumara
Spiritual catalyst and is the creator of Quantum Lightweaving and Asheville Sacred Hikes
Hello, I am Kenji Kumara
Spiritual catalyst and is the creator of Quantum Lightweaving and Asheville Sacred Hikes
Kenji is Awakening Your Higher Consciousness
Kenji Kumara is recognized world-wide as a spiritual catalyst and is the creator of Quantum Lightweaving and Asheville Sacred Hikes.
With academic training in Education, Psychology and the healing arts, Kenji serves as a facilitator of consciousness to assist those who wish to explore their personal path of illumination and awaken to their Soul’s destiny and life purpose.
Upon attending one of Kenji’s intensive retreats and online series, many have reported profound life changes and clarity on their life purpose. Many receive on-going benefits such as stress relief, reversal of physical conditions and reduction and elimination of worry, anxiety and self doubt.
Supported by the Heart of all Creation, I impart my gifts through a life of service to assist those ready to journey inside and be open to receive the in-pouring of Spirit’s sacred offering of Divine Love and Light.
Those who are prepared to lay down old worldly beliefs, systems, vows and commitments that no longer serve Earth and the highest good of All are called forth to conscious acceptance of their Illumination and Awakening. I serve as a clear and inspired channel for Ascended energies and healing frequencies in the name of hope, peace and compassion on earth and to all of Life.
Through the power of Grace and Unconditional Love and Allowance, I come forth as a Quantum catalyst and initiator for self-realization and self- mastery so we may embark on the path to a New Earth of Eternal Peace.
Igniting the Soul of Rebirth – Igniting the Power of Awakening. Ideal Client…is eagerly ready to consciously experience the full expression of Eternal Peace in every quantum moment, cell and particle of their being. They are authentic in their commitment to their own life mastery and celebrate the diverse mastery in self and others.
Living on New Earth in peace, joy and divine balance
Visit the Shop to start on your new journey into the world of Quantum Lightweaving®
- We place no other gods before Thee.
- We be, express, manifest and know the “state” we want the world to be.
- We treat others as we wish to be treated.
- We know the Light within all things.
- We know the good within all peoples.
- We know you into perfection.
- The God in us bows to the God in you.
- We offer our creativity to the world from a place of joy and wonder.
- We know all things into healing and transformation.
- We offer our highest and deepest “value package” in each moment of our teaching.
- What we share and give to you, is given for all Eternity.
- We treat others with respect, dignity and honor.
We love you as we love ourselves. - We are all one and yet unique, in the Unified Field of Being.
- We give you our very best at all times.
- You are our most valued teacher, customer, client and student.
Sharing the Joy of Awakening with the World
His dedication to assisting others to enter the temple of their heart, connect with their true essence and shed that which no longer serves them brought him to develop his own modality, Quantum Lightweaving® ®.
“Quantum Lightweaving® ®” is a unique approach to finding your soul purpose, and deepening your psychological and spiritual awareness with ease and grace. The result is comprehensive assimilation and application of ancient wisdom and joyful living.
Kenji’s natural talent is to reach our heart center, the official operating system of self, through facilitating initiations/activations, meditations, self-empowerment, emergence and spiritual awakening.
He acts as a visionary, a way-shower of the now, and a channel for ascended masters. His message is for everyone on all levels, for those just beginning their search for spiritual wisdom and enlightenment, as well as those well along their journey.
His style is well suited for the healers, teachers, and artists on this journey in this time of new earth consciousness.
As this new age develops, we no longer have to go through all the old layers of release. We simply breath through and enter into our sacred heart kingdom. Renewal takes place in an instant, truly it is just a matter of following the energy and receiving; it’s that simple.
Now is the time to step forth into enlightenment and self-empowerment with infinite and divine source energy, the one vibration of love. Allow Kenji to lead you to your connection to your higher self, releasing limiting beliefs, introducing you to new energies in a totally innovative way.
Through the power of love and grace, the presence of now, and trust in the infinite possibilities, the vision of the “Kenji Community” in this new earth consciousness lives now as heaven on earth.
“When you lose yourself in the energy, you don’t have to try so hard.” –Kenji Kumara
As we open the portals to new dimensions, with joy and bliss, we are inviting our soul family, our community, to join us in service with simple sensibility and an honor of values.
We have never seen a time like this in human history; the old rules no longer apply. The same is true for teaching modalities. Allowance, acceptance, and release; It’s just that simple, creating eternal peace and heaven on earth.
Sharing the Joy of Awakening with the World
Kenji Kumara is recognized world-wide as a spiritual catalyst and is the creator of Quantum Lightweaving.
He serves as a “channel-holder and initiator” of expanded grounded awareness and provides a vibrational space for one’s awakening, self empowered healing and soul mastery.
With academic training in Education, Psychology and the healing arts, Kenji serves as a facilitator of consciousness to assist those who wish to explore their personal path of illumination and awaken to their Soul’s destiny and life purpose.
Upon attending one of Kenji’s intensive retreats and online series, many have reported profound life changes and clarity on their life purpose. Many receive on-going benefits such as stress relief, reversal of physical conditions and reduction and elimination of worry, anxiety and self doubt.

Sharing the Joy of Awakening with the World
Kenji Kumara is recognized world-wide as a spiritual catalyst and is the creator of Quantum Lightweaving.
He serves as a “channel-holder and initiator” of expanded grounded awareness and provides a vibrational space for one’s awakening, self empowered healing and soul mastery.
With academic training in Education, Psychology and the healing arts, Kenji serves as a facilitator of consciousness to assist those who wish to explore their personal path of illumination and awaken to their Soul’s destiny and life purpose.
Upon attending one of Kenji’s intensive retreats and online series, many have reported profound life changes and clarity on their life purpose. Many receive on-going benefits such as stress relief, reversal of physical conditions and reduction and elimination of worry, anxiety and self doubt.

Certifications and Studies since 1970
- Masters in Education (Art Therapy major)
- Multiple Subjects Credentials w/ECE Emphasis
- Specialist Credentials in Early Childhood
- Education Bachelors in Humanistic Psychology
- Experimental Masters in Parapsychology
- SHES Certified (Spiritual Healers And Earth Stewards)
- Power Of Hope Group Facilitator
- Braco gazing
- Christopher Method (Lorna Malburg) – Certified Practitioner
- Reiki I-IV master teacher (Takata-Brown-Yost-Dey of the Reiki Training Program)
- Jin Shin Jyutsu II Certified (Mary Burmeister)
- Breema Bodywork – Certified Massage Practitioner (CA), Institute For Health Improvement)
- Ho’oponopono II Certified (Kahuna Morna Simeonna) and Huna Therapy
- Trager Psycho-physical Integration And Mentastics– Formerly Certified Practitioner, Intro Workshop Leader, Supervised Practice Sessions Leader, Tutor (Trager Institute, Dr. Trager, Betty Fuller, etc)
- Initiated into Kriya Yoga, Sahaja Yoga and Kundalini YogaCollege Of Spiritual Psycho-Therapeutics, Coursework V, Aura/Color
- Therapy, Instructor- Candidate (Dr. Reg Newbon, ND & Peter Goldman
- Dreamhealer Workshop (Adam, The Dreamhealer)
- Therapeutic Touch (Kreiger, RNP)
- Mind Dynamics Graduate (Alexander Everett and Werner Erhardt)
- Train The Trainer and Millionaire Mind (Peak Potentials)
- Merkabah meditation training, Adept level
- Bio Magnetic Touch Healing I
- Yuen Method Intro Workshop (Anderson)
- Aromatherapy w/ Young Living Essential Oils
- Lovestream II (Sol LaTrianne)
- Spiritual Unfoldment Network coursework w/ Irvine Feurst
- Member, Edgar Cayce Foundation
- Course In Miracles
- Studies w/ Peter Goldman, Ammachi, Claire Heartsong, Karen Cook and Linda Bandino
Certifications and Studies since 1970
- Masters in Education (Art Therapy major)
- Multiple Subjects Credentials w/ECE Emphasis
- Specialist Credentials in Early Childhood
- Education Bachelors in Humanistic Psychology
- Experimental Masters in Parapsychology
- SHES Certified (Spiritual Healers And Earth Stewards)
- Power Of Hope Group Facilitator
- Braco gazing
- Christopher Method (Lorna Malburg) – Certified Practitioner
- Reiki I-IV master teacher (Takata-Brown-Yost-Dey of the Reiki Training Program)
- Jin Shin Jyutsu II Certified (Mary Burmeister)
- Breema Bodywork – Certified Massage Practitioner (CA), Institute For Health Improvement)
- Ho’oponopono II Certified (Kahuna Morna Simeonna) and Huna Therapy
- Trager Psycho-physical Integration And Mentastics– Formerly Certified Practitioner, Intro Workshop Leader, Supervised Practice Sessions Leader, Tutor (Trager Institute, Dr. Trager, Betty Fuller, etc)
- Initiated into Kriya Yoga, Sahaja Yoga and Kundalini Yoga
- College Of Spiritual Psycho-Therapeutics, Coursework V, Aura/Color Therapy, Instructor- Candidate (Dr. Reg Newbon, ND & Peter Goldman)
- Dreamhealer Workshop (Adam, The Dreamhealer)
- Train The Trainer and Millionaire Mind (Peak Potentials)
- Merkabah meditation training, Adept level
- Bio Magnetic Touch Healing I
- Yuen Method Intro Workshop (Anderson)
- Aromatherapy w/ Young Living Essential Oils
- Lovestream II (Sol LaTrianne)
- Spiritual Unfoldment Network coursework w/ Irvine Feurst
- Member, Edgar Cayce Foundation
- Course In Miracles
- Studies w/ Peter Goldman, Ammachi, Claire Heartsong, Karen Cook and Linda Bandino
- Therapeutic Touch (Kreiger, RNP)
- Mind Dynamics Graduate (Alexander Everett and Werner Erhardt)
- Ordained into the Melchizedek Order by Daniel Chesbro, 2016
Frequently Asked Questions
Can we use Quantum Lightweaving® with other energy healing, therapeutic and counseling modalities?
Are the benefits of Quantum Lightweaving® permanent?
What are the after effects of the work?
Is Quantum Lightweaving® a religion or metaphysical path?
Is there a need to process the Quantum Lightweaving® experience?
Can anyone do Quantum Lightweaving® even though they have no prior training in the healing arts?
Can we do Quantum Lightweaving® after absorbing and studying your radio show package or activations from your site?
Is Quantum Lightweaving® like other energy healing modalities?
Can we do Quantum Lightweaving® on our pets, horses, etc?
What is the best sequence in learning the work?
Is Quantum Lightweaving® beneficial for those with mental illnesses, injuries, traumas or those on medications?
What conditions does Quantum Lightweaving® work best with?
How many sessions do you recommend?
Depends on the situation and one’s level of spiritual awakening. We do not foster co-dependent relationship between client and facilitator nor student-teacher.
Do you recommend repeating the training levels?
Do you recommend doing the Protocol every day?
Yes. Do it in the morning to set your day. Do it before meditating. Do it to set the energy for your healing sessions. Do it before going to work. Do it before seeing relatives and family. Do it before concerts, movies, or attending large gatherings. Do it before going to bed. You will be amazed and surprise.
Will doing Quantum Lightweaving® make you a better person and enrich your life?
Does Quantum Lightweaving® have a global or galactic application?
Are you planning on duplicating yourself through the Teacher's course?
What is the monetary value of Quantum Lightweaving®?
Are you available as a healer in Asheville, NC?
Yes! Kenji Kumara is a healer in Asheville, and he also is available to do his quantum lightweaving healings over the phone and in person. He does house calls.