Mercury in Retrograde – Focusing on the Positive
Here is my list of positive things that can occur during our quick and mighty planet’s rest period that extends from January 5 to 25, 2016.
Enjoy Chance Encounters
The greatest thing out of this whole planet retro-period is the chance encounters as well as planned meetings of old friends, relatives and yes, even lovers.
Running into someone whom you have not seen in literally years is a huge possibility during this time.
We tend to hold special places in our heart and our energy centers for people we may have experienced high school with, old flames that used to burn bright or relatives that you have spent time with.
It’s exciting to look forward to seeing someone you haven’t seen in quite some time, and during Mercury’s retro phase, these encounters are very likely!
Catch Your Breath
It’s time to catch your breath. Yes things may slow down now and if you are an Air or Fire sign, this can be more difficult to deal with, as you are usually always on the go.
Everyone, however, may find this time boring and stagnant. Maybe even feel impatient that nothing is happening and you can’t seem to get anywhere. As if you are walking on a treadmill.
Well let’s embrace this! It can make a world of difference. Take some time off. Traveling can be difficult with delays and detours, but if you take time to take care of yourself you will benefit 10-fold.
Vacation can mean simply sleeping in, eating a good breakfast, getting out in nature, laying in the sun, listening to music, or starting that book you wanted to read.
All these things done now are amplified during Mercury retrograde as you can appreciate the time more while doing things that heal your soul.
Your computer at work or that meeting you needed to plan are probably not going to work out the way you wanted anyway, why not just go with the flow!
Reminder of What Needs to be Done
Lastly, the best thing about Mercury retrograde is… all the things that you didn’t have time to attend to, or have basically ignored, will probably be ringing your doorbell to remind you have unfinished business.
Mercury has a habit of pulling out all the items in your closet you were trying to hide.
So why not finish writing that book, schedule that doctor’s visit, or get the inspection done on your car. This is the time to clean up your plate and feel even better about yourself!
It’s not time to hide like I used to think. The more you push against something the stronger you make it.
Don’t fight it, align with it. Make it your friend, join forces and become an even greater force than you already are.
With the Magical and Powerful Mercury on your side, the world is your oyster! Enjoy it!!
What can you do during this time now that you know all the positives you can focus on?

Oh – this is such wonderful news. I really look forward to meeting some old acquaintances, wonder who they’ll be!
And creating closure now sounds just about right. Best time, in fact. Ooops, gotta go – need to schedule that long due trip to the dentist — thanks for the reminder, Kenji!
Just what I needed to read — thank you, Kenji!
The hotesny of your posting shines through