Navigating Sudden Change

Navigating Sudden Change

Well, hello from Sedona and welcome to another joyful tune in. And today, we're going to share a little bit about Overwhelm and how to prevent overwhelm from stressing out your body and affecting your consciousness. So, let's take a moment to center and ground....
Past Life Influences: Healing Core Woundings

Past Life Influences: Healing Core Woundings

Well, hello from Sedona and welcome to another joyful tune in. And today, we're going to share a little bit about Overwhelm and how to prevent overwhelm from stressing out your body and affecting your consciousness. So, let's take a moment to center and ground....
Live in the Now, Break Free from Past Life Influences

Live in the Now, Break Free from Past Life Influences

Well, hello from Sedona and welcome to another joyful tune in. And today, we're going to share a little bit about Overwhelm and how to prevent overwhelm from stressing out your body and affecting your consciousness. So, let's take a moment to center and ground....