We want to welcome you to our new format of online intensives. This is the second of the monthly series (April not included) of 22-day energetic intensives that cover both the full and new moon phases.
What is Joy? How does it manifest in our lives? What are the healing effects of Joy as we bring that vibration into our body? How does Joy relate to knowledge? To love? To compassion? To forgiveness? And why Joy?
These and other questions will be addressed in these spontaneous transmissions from the Oneness, from the One Field, from the Presence. We are going through a tremendous transformation of consciousness, of mind, of emotions and of our physical body. All systems in this world are going through a metamorphosis, a changing of the guard, a re-setting and re-formation of concepts, attitudes and belief systems onto the next level of evolution, both physical and spiritual.
As a collective body of consciousness, we are beginning to tap into the realm we call “miracles and blessings”. We are getting glimpses of the para-normal, peak experiences, conscious altered states of consciousness, near death experience, out of body travel, speaking in tongues, extrasensory perception, gifts of the holy spirit kinds of experiences. The paranormal will become the new normal. What people called weird and crazy, will become our quantum normal.
These one hour activations will cover many levels and depths of your consciousness and body structures. The waves of Joy will penetrate as deep as you allow, and we will practice the art of surrender and letting go in these intensive classes. Each class will build upon the others, so you will get an on-going cumulative effect according to your belief and trust in yourself.
In class #1, we will move into the area of the physical-etheric body: psychic and energetic “bodywork”: deep tissue work, connective-tissue work, etheric movement therapy and energetic and vibrational healing. We will begin to re-set the brain and endocrine system back to original divine blueprint of Joy.
In class #2, we will explore the layers of the emotional body: “energetic holding patterns”, stuck points, trauma and pain points, de-stressing the limbic system and the connection with the sacred heart. We will begin to un-layer the unconscious in order to bring it to full consciousness of the Joy vibration.
In class #3, we will go into the mental body and the psychological patterns related to the mind and the thinking process: habits, imprinting, conditioning, survival mechanisms, brain function and the nervous system. We will begin to re-pattern the mental processes back to divine balance and the field of Joy.
In class #4, we will journey in the soul body and your divine blueprints. Having done much clearing and releasing in classes #1, 2 and 3, we are now ready to access the akashic records and your living library of knowledge. We will align with your essential core of Joy-Love and begin to integrate it in the 4 lower bodies.
We ask you to keep a Power Journal of your thoughts, feelings, emotions, insights, realizations and ah-ha moments. This will assist in your integration process. Much will arise from this intensive, so it is best to keep your journal handy. We suggest also that your daily meditations and quiet time can include the current topics of the class so you can deepen your experience of the unconscious. The truth shall set you free.
Your natural state is Joy, for with Joy comes the power of Love and Compassion. It is time NOW to manifest the Power and to be the Kingdom Within.
Many blessings,
Kenji and the bliss team