A video presentation of Lorrie M’s activation experience from the New Moon/Solar Eclipse event June 10,2021.
Happy Healing clients
“I had been going through some financial challenges and it just randomly popped up. I hadn’t viewed it in over 8 years! So I took it as a sign to watch it again.
I sat in my backyard on a beautiful Sunday morning with my dog and did the activation and felt wonderful afterward. I recited the prayer you gave us several times a day and on the following Friday morning, which was Memorial Day weekend, I received an email from a customer… who several weeks prior told me he was not going to renew his rather large contract with me…but now was reconsidering and wanted my best offer.
By the following morning we arrived at an agreement and I had a commission of $13,568 deposited to my account the following week.
Thank you for all you do. I found you about 14 years ago on Jennifer McClean’s Healing With The Master’s show and I have followed you since.”
Much Love and Light to you!

“Ever since that first call we did together that left me UNDER MY DESK ‘blissed out’ beyond belief… you’ve been a friend, guide and mentor. You are pure light on our planet and a human and cosmic being of the highest order. Its has been a true pleasure to know and love such a wonderful and kind human being and powerful cosmic way shower.”

“Kenji Kumara is one of the most wise and endearing teachers that I know. Kenji is a beautiful soul with a giving spirit and he goes above and beyond in all of his work. He is a transdimensional healer and practitioner of frequency healing and Kenji’s meditations help transport participants to other realms and bring back love, joy, peace, harmony, and information from the unseen into the seen. If you are looking for wise counsel, healing or transformative experiences, I highly recommend Kenji Kumara and his work.”

Addison Ames
“I can honestly say that until I did Kenji’s first quantum healing call on New Wealth Revolution I felt completely stuck. Right after the call I had a job interview set up and two weeks later a job offer! I had been interviewing for like a year prior. I set up a one to one session with Kenji and so much healing is happening – layers of past trauma and energy are unraveling and miracles are happening. Thank you Kenji! Can’t wait to see what else unfolds. It’s sooo exciting!”

Suzanne H.
“The energy is potent and life-changing; I have been powerfully impacted in a very positive way by Kenji’s activations.”

Amber J.
“Kenji’s method is out of this world with modality and all the results of his healing. His current profile doesn’t begin to represent the mastery that Kenji exhibits in his work. He was the first Master that made me able to feel energy. Now, when I listen to him teach, I still remember why I am such a fanatic. He is eloquent, unabashed, and so knowledgeable with such a remarkably smooth and relaxing voice that turns his meditation into medication. I am on this path, thanks to Kenji and other light weavers.”

Evette R.
“I love Kenji’s work. Both his teachings and his guided meditations have such authenticity and integrity, and are always offered with his special playful humor. (He never takes himself too seriously which, to me, is a mark of a true teacher.) I especially appreciate how consistently and masterfully he creates a sacred space and then guides us so smoothly and easily into deep meditation in the Quantum. Thank you, Kenji! You are a such a gift to us!”

One of the first meditations of Kenji’s that I stumbled across, featured a
Golden Umbilical Cord. I believe it was of prime significance in shifting my toxic relationship with my mother. Since childhood, it had been difficult and ebbed and flowed, but generally deteriorated into adulthood. Kenji’s meditation came as part of decades’-long process of trying for forgiveness, meditation, personal healing from wounds generated, and of making myself vulnerable, in reaching out.
What was so surprising to me about the Golden Umbilical was that unlike other umblicial cord meditations, where one cut the cord, with the Golden Cord, we flowed love along it to the recipient. This was years ago now and I don’t remember details, but do recall that my attitude softened and the relationship itself altered significantly: now at 89 my mother shares mini healing meditations with me for self and the planet, and blesses me every day. I am enormously grateful that such a mountain load of
Pain and karma has been transmuted. I know deep inside. That the Golden Umbilical
Meditation was instrumental.

Ursula, Kyoto
“If you didn’t experience Kenji Kumara live, it’s simply impossible to explain how awesome, magical and transformative the moments are that you are missing!”
“The Blessing Series I was really soooo different from everything that I had experienced during the past few years.”
“The unconditional love is palpable on these calls. I love your teachings and thank you for everything.”

Your meditation’s are transforming me and my life. Thank you Kenji Kumara!!!
Highly recommend Kenji if you’re ready for miracles jump in the water of transformation to live your passion and service to world!
Amazing blessing series,, Still feeling the immense power.. The effect have been huge.

Laura L. De Orta



Evette Rhoden
Sedona is a very high energy place with many powerful vortices to experience, but it was being there with Kenji that made it so transformative. He has an amazing ability to be both very grounded and present while being tapped in to all the Quantum realms at the same time, so simply being in his company is an activation in a gentle way. Of course, it was great fun as well, as this is Kenji we are talking about. The recorded activations are helping me to deepen the experiences that I had while we were at each vortex. I’m sure that I will be integrating this trip for quite a while as I received so many gifts on so many levels.
I would recommend this SVA package to anyone who is ready to take a quantum leap in their relationship with themselves, the Earth and the Oneness.

Penny Berlin

Wendy Fuller
“At times I thought this Quantum lightweaving was too much for me… but instead it’s made Me realize who I am. Kenji, what you give to us all is nothing short of miraculous! You are brave, courageous, selfless and rare! With all my being I thank You!”

Kenji Last night I did as You said and found myself back in the quantum…I woke this morning to a feeling of deep peace and knowing….a knowing beyond doubt that for the past 3 years of journeying with you I have been being prepared for My mission…a deep call to enerThe Christ Consciousness in order to enlighten others….hence everything being taken away from Me…..last night I. Now accepted the process and expressed My openness for the rest that is to come…..I thank You for your selfless support Kenji in My darkest hour…..Yesterday I was on My knees ……Your words have placed Me back on My feet….Deepest Gratitude Friend and have a day of clear expansion!

Rose Booth
With depth of wisdom, authentic pure heart, love and Christ Light Consciousness, Kenji Kumara offers a clear and evolved path to enlightened Spiritual teachings. I was blessed to hear him first on Darius Barazandeh’s You Wealth Revolution in the summer 2012 after praying for a new Spiritual Teacher. Since that time I have listened to numerous presentations guided by Kenji delivering life changing Spiritual gifts with positive results. Studying with him has truly helped me in all areas of life. Personal evolvement, empowerment, inner peace, compassion, balance, and happiness are all embraced in my studies with Kenji…along with entertaining commercial breaks from the Comedy Team! I am eternally grateful, thank you.

SR, Sedona, AZ
The venue called “Spirit of the desert” is a beautiful place and I certainly felt the spirits of the desert there. All the lovely people who shared the experience with us contributed their own spark of wonderful uniqueness that made the event even more unforgettable.
The activations and the sharing of our experiences made the days seem so special, time just flew.
On the last day and during the last activation of the retreat. I received my first wave by Kenji. By then everyone else had had a wave and I could see everyone felt it in their own personal way . I had no expectation and felt totally relaxed as I laid down . I felt Kenji’s fingers on two different spots on my head and suddenly I was being propelled into space, it happened so fast. Almost as if I was being pulled out of myself by invisible hands and was swirling right up. I kept sensing that I was flying through eternity..the feeling was so smooth and blissful.like deep soundless peace.
My last thought was that I was entering the realms of no thought . A sense of communion with everything , of being , simply being as I kept swirling through space, seeing and feeling waves of light all around me . I believe I did travel to stars and distant galaxies and the cosmos was all around me but I was the cosmos too. Words aren’t enough to express everything I felt and experienced but I know I travelled very far and wide while I was taken on this magnificent ride. I became suddenly conscious that something or someone was telling me it was time to go back ,it took me a while to do so and when I opened my eyes the activation had already ended and people were sharing their experiences.
The profound feeling of peace remained with me for some time.. It had been such a remarkable and unique space in time I really wish I could have retained it for ever. I still recall it and get sensations and flashes of it but I guess it was that moment and I know I will live other experiences of that intensity . I am eternally grateful for every moment spent in Carefree and feel deeply grateful to Kenji and to everyone who shared those wonderful moments there. Thank you Kenji and thank you everyone for those carefree memories.
Much love ,light and many blessings to all.”

“Kenji raises our level of consciousness so we are in higher level of understanding………from this point we are able to solve the problem in a way that serves Our highest good.”

KN, Vancouver, BC
“I am deeply grateful to have experienced a Quantum Lightweaving® intensive for the first time recently. I found that collapsing what gets in the way to be my Higher Self with the wave of divine light is the fastest way to experience inner peace. Collapsing the wave made it immediate for me.
No processing, no “working” to get rid of something; it was immediate. Over the three days, each experience I had of a collapsed wave was unique, sometimes giving me direction, sometimes healing, sometimes clearing unwanted programmed behavior, sometimes giving me wisdom; and the after effect I experienced always held attributes of inner peace, divine love, JOY, pure awareness, natural grace, unity and love for others –I experienced all these aspects of the wave. I believe these aspects of divinity are who and what we really already are, but they get lost in this 3D dense world.
I find that most people say they are frustrated, maybe worried about money, struggling in relationships, and so on, but with QL when a wave of divine light comes in and collapses the frustration or fear, what’s left is divine love, peace, joy, clarity, wisdom and so on.
To me, the experiences of connecting with the divine energies in the collapsed waves are priceless. Quantum Lightweaving® divinely and experientially opens the portal to Source/God’s pure light and pure love. That’s what it did for me.
I want to thank the QL staff for the many hours of devotion they put in to prepare and create a room with clean energy for the attendees and all that the QL staff did to make it all happen. And thank you Kenji for bringing this “weaving” of light so that the rest of us can take a quantum leap of freedom to experience who we really are.
My sense is that this is what we need to get in gear to match the higher frequencies coming in right now, to 2012, and beyond.”

“As I integrate, I appreciate how expanded awareness gifts me the ability to describe my QL experience:
On the third day of wave collapses at the 3-day, I experienced everything as Oneness instead of duality and separateness. Quantum Lightweaving® supercharged my intuitive understanding of myself, others, and the world around me. The ‘old school’ dualistic model of ‘thinking versus feeling’ or ‘wanting versus having’ or ‘just observing versus fully participating’ –this old school dualistic model quickly lessened as a more fluid way of relating to ‘opposites’ emerged in my experience.
I discovered I could enjoy the dance of each polarity in my life as a limitless, flowing source of inspiration and energy of Oneness. I could actually see the GodSelf in each person in the room and at the same time I could see their human self. Duality dissolved in my experience and the awareness of divine energy expanded. Many times in the wave collapses I felt like I was coming home.
With this, I invite you to take a night off this week and experience a QL introduction night. “Quantum Lightweaving® is an effortless hands-on approach to personal healing and self discovery”

“I loved the energy so much but couldn’t do the catching thing so I would just open to it while people were on my table and call it the wonderful energy work at the end of my massages. I tell people that I know it is the most healing part of the massage and they love it.
My class with you was so special that I felt that you were there just for me by pre-planned galactic appointment. I can’t thank you enough for doing what you said you would do here on earth and being there for me. I love the lightweaving work and the way you present it.
It is sooooo beautiful the way it is with you and comes through you. I commend you deeply for reaching so many people with so much love. So it is good that I make myself more available and in a bigger way. The quantum light will respond by using me if indeed I can make a difference toward that 90% awakened DNA.
The only game in town for me too is my own awakening and sharing what I can.”

So looking forward to the New Moon Activation coming up!!! Love you KENJI!!!!! ( I am sure it will be “over the moon”, just like I am for your work, and you!)

“I am always, I mean always fascinated by how you construct the activations. It is pure genius. Big time RESPECT for your creative genius in having each new activation be something that “hooks” me in. Also they are so right on that I feel like they are just for me a whole lot of the time! They are not just healing, each one is a really fun magical mystery ride. Thank you so much for all your help Kenji”

Jeannie S.
“Thank you for your work, for being you and for the profound sense of peace and calm I feel now. The holiday season has been a source of angst for me for the past ten years as I lost my mother, father, brother, partner all around the holidays ten years ago. It was an unhappy ending to an unhappy story of abuse, cancer, alcoholism, and the typical dysfunctional family system we see today.
I left home at an early age in an effort to escape and created the same situation in my new life with different faces on the players only to repeat the cycle again and again. I moved back to get to know them and try to understand just what the dynamics were and to try and heal us. Instead, it all unraveled and they died strangers to me and my heart.
The only real love I’ve ever known has been from my animal friends. Somehow I’ve mananged to carve out a life and a living but there was always a hollow feeling- a sense of not really and truly mattering to anyone. I’ve lived most of my relationships with others like trying not to get run over in parking lot. In one hour on the phone with you I feel more whole than I’ve ever felt in my entire life.
I’ve been studying metaphysics for over 30 years, meditation, you name it but nothing has ever been as profound as this session with you was. A friend was asking me to describe the session and I could repeat some of the words you used but they really didn’t matter. What touched me was the love and space of connection to pure source that you hold so clearly.
I’ve never felt such love from another human being. I am so grateful and yes finally fulfilled. God bless you for your light. Most of all for bearing witness to the possibility for all of us to shine that light as well.“

“On Monday, November 2, I attended one of Kenji Kumara’s Quantum Meditations in Sedona, AZ. I was part of a small group of 7 people. Before Kenji began the Activation he asked all of us to set an intention. My intention was to make peace with my father, who I hadn’t spoken with in five years, and to attract a loving partner into my life. I had no idea how this might manifest, so I just let go and let God to see what would happen. Never in my life could I have imagined what would transpire…
A few days after the Activation, on December 6, I attended a conference called Celebrate Your Life in a hotel in downtown Phoenix. I checked in at the proper booth to retrieve my name badge. The women behind the booth just stared at me, looking back and forth at me and each other. One said, “should we tell her?” I, of course, insisted they tell me what was going on! I was intrigued.
Well, my father had just been at the booth a few minutes before me! He had stated his last name, and they pulled out my badge! He stepped back in shock demanding them to tell him why they had his daughter’s name. A daughter he had not spoken to in five years!! He then looked around saying, “Where am I? Where am I?”
It turns out he had traveled up to Phoenix from Tucson, AZ to attend a diabetes conference at the same time and same hotel I was staying at for my conference! Somehow he had been directed to the incorrect booth, and since I showed up later than I had intended, my badge was still there for him to find! I was in awe! I wondered what would happen next.
I went to my first workshop of the event, knowing that my father was sitting in a meeting room nearby. About an hour later, the organizer of the event walked in to check on how things were going. The speaker of the workshop introduced her and ask her to say a few words. She took the microphone and said she actually had a story she wanted to share with all of us.
A story about some amazing occurrence that had happened that morning at the check-in booth. She said she didn’t know if the girl was in the room that the story was about (our workshop was one of many that were scheduled at the same time), but she began to tell it anyway. I couldn’t believe it! It was my story! I jumped up and down and started yelling, “It’s me, it’s me! I’m the one it happened to!!”
The head of the Celebrate Your Life event ran up to me and we hugged in excitement. She asked me if I would allow her to find my father and bring him to me. Of course, I said yes! How could I say no with all this momentum of synchronicities? Sure enough, once the workshop was through, my father was standing outside the door! Oh, my God!
One thing that I had always told my self is that if I ever saw my father again I would hug him and tell him that I loved him, and that is just what I did. He hugged me back and we both cried. My heart was healed, and I felt I finally had peace with my dad! And the story continues…
Thank you so much Kenji for helping me manifest peace with my father 😉”