What does it mean to reclaim our power of manifesting? What does it mean to re-own our innate knowing and wisdom? What does it mean to reshape and recalibrate our life path? How do we do this? How do we reframe our life experiences into joy, peace, harmony, and balance?
What if we could bring all of our emotional experiences, life challenges, relationship issues, money problems, and lack of trust in the unknown into the Light of Understanding? What would that look like? What would that feel like? How would that manifest in the practical world of time and space? It has been said, “Seek Ye First The Kingdom Within, and All Things Shall Be Granted Unto Thee.” What does that mean? What is the Kingdom? It has also been written, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and Word was God, and it was good.” And it has also been written, “Let There Be Light.” These are potent declarations and proclamations that the Universe gave man/womankind for their spiritual journey back into the House of Many Mansions. The prodigal sons and daughters are returning Home.
Each Soul in incarnation is the Word, is the power, is the Kingdom, is the Light, and has dominion (or mastery) over the Earth (meaning your body, mind, and emotions). And as we each invoke Word I AM in all we experience, we become the Light, the Power, the Love of Divinity. As we reclaim, “Behold, I make all things anew,” a new day and life are created with infinite potential to manifest our soul destiny and life purpose. And as we re-know who and what we are in Love, we manifest anew without effort, without trying, without stress or worry. In Divinity, there is no separation, fear, doubt, worry, or stress. There is only potential for ongoing self-realization and expanded awareness.
Invoke verbally “God Is, God Is, God Is” and “I AM, I AM, I AM” from your Rainbow Light Body and be still, be calm, be NOW and know all is well.