Empowering the Next Generation of Starseeds

Are you one of those starseeds who has gone to all the medical doctors, healers, energy workers, therapists, life coaches, and counselors you could find, seeking to heal, yet still wondering why your symptoms remain after many years? Are you among those who attend workshop after workshop, feeling high and uplifted, only to come crashing back to earth, unable to fully heal, returning to discomfort, dis-ease, and stress?

I used to wonder what circumstances and conditions would knock my clients and students “out of the state” after a couple of weeks from their session or intensive, preventing them from fully healing.

Clients would come in with a whole laundry list of lifelong symptoms—everything from depression, loneliness, lethargy, hopelessness, and chronic pain of the first order. 99% of the time, they would heal, leaving pain-free, depression-free, symptom-free, and energized for life. But they would hold the healed state for only a few weeks before some of their old symptoms would return.

99% of my students would leave the training with a whole new outlook on life, feeling source-connected, jubilant, and full of energy, only to backslide into their old symptoms. Again, I would wonder—why is it so difficult to fully heal? Could it be their environment, their family situation, their financial situation, their boring job or lack of one, pulling them back into their “old world” of separation and disconnection?

What follows are some thoughts on why some people struggle to heal completely, why they hesitate to seek healing, and why they resist fully integrating their healing experiences. My insights come from over 55 years in the field of consciousness and the healing arts.

The ego mind, or false perception/belief, may do everything it can to prevent or distract you from coming to or following up with someone who could assist you in your spiritual development and healing. The body might produce sickness, low energy, loss of willpower, or any excuse (like “I have relatives coming over”) to avoid the healing process and transformative experience.

Sometimes, symptoms appear, intensify, and then heal completely immediately after a session. This is called a quantum healing crisis. The value in this is that the experience is released so that it does not reoccur on any level of consciousness. The wisdom of the experience remains, even as the body heals.

Yet, some struggle to hold a healed state, slipping back into what feels familiar. Resistance in the unconscious mind may block complete healing. A person might experience a profound healing session, only to return to their environment and relationships, where they hear, “You know, my husband doesn’t believe in this.” Suddenly, doubt creeps in, and their healing begins to fade.

Sometimes, a person unconsciously resists receiving healing—whether from another, from God, or from angels—allowing the session to go only so far. Even though the healed state exists in their energy field, full transformation doesn’t take hold.

I understand this from my own experience, having walked many paths to reach where I am today. In my younger years, I had unconscious resistance to change, healing, and self-care. It was only later, as I gained awareness of who I am, what I am, why I am here, and how I serve, that I allowed myself to fully heal.

Often, returning home to an environment that does not energetically or emotionally support healing makes it difficult to maintain transformation. Without support for quantum-level awareness and healing, especially from family, peers, or co-workers, one may begin to suppress their new awareness, retreating into old habits and energies.

I experienced this in my 14-year dark night of the soul. I only broke out of it through a house fire and homelessness, which forced me to heal. I came to know that I was always supported by the unseen realms—by the hierarchy, the angelics, and my fellow starseeds.

If a person lacks a belief system or strategy for spontaneous healing, instant transformation, or miracles—even if they want to believe—the healing may not hold. Self-worth plays a crucial role in the ability to heal.

A person’s karmic lessons may also prevent full healing if they have not yet completed certain experiences on a consciousness level. Guilt and anger, when held on a cellular level, can block healing.

This is something I have learned through decades of seeking and teaching. Sometimes, we must go through experiences that teach us wisdom, compassion, self-love, strength, patience, and fortitude before we can truly heal.

Many are simply not ready to heal, receive healing, or experience an alternate reality. Some remain deeply attached to their physical or mental stress, locked into 3D consciousness and social programming.

Energetically, a person must develop strong etheric, emotional, mental, and soul bodies to sustain quantum healing. Otherwise, the heightened states of transformation may begin to dissipate over time.

This is more relevant than ever as humanity faces choices that either advance spiritual growth or hinder healing and expansion into 5D consciousness.

It takes great courage to break free from mass conditioning. If the healing experience is “out of the box,” some struggle to believe what is happening. Self-doubt then interferes with the healing process, weakening the results.

Indeed, it takes a brave Soul to face all aspects of themselves with neutrality, compassion, and self-love. It takes courage to confront hidden fears, doubts, and lack of faith. Over the years, I have learned to approach my healing practice with humility, gentleness, nurturance, simplicity, and compassion—knowing that we are all on this healing journey together. As the old saying goes, “Don’t judge a person until you have walked a mile in their shoes.”

I offer a unique and caring approach to quantum-level healing and transformation, addressing the deep-rooted issues that resist healing and completion. We explore the vibrational patterns and belief systems that manifest in the body, relationships, and spiritual path. Healings are gentle and nurturing, working with your Soul/Spirit to bring forth awareness and solutions for transformation. Chakra blockages, the mind-body connection, and your Soul’s purpose and contracts are addressed. We work with your spiritual guides to align you more fully with Source energy and your Soul Group. Coaching and mentoring are provided in harmony with your belief system and your ability to trust and receive healing in Love.


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