Hello and welcome to another joyful tune in. Let’s have some fun and today let’s go into fear, which is as someone said many decades ago, fear is basically false evidence appearing real. And it has also been said that anything created from fear is not...
Hello and welcome to another Wednesday’s Musings. So let’s go into this whole notion of change and why it is necessary during these times of great Earth changes to be open and to surrender to this level of change. Now, historically, as you know, humanity...
Hello and welcome to another joyful tune -in. We’d like to tune in further on the theme of change for this year presents all of us with an opportunity for great internal and external changes that will affect the course of our lifetime. This is a very very big...
Hello and thank you for tuning in to another Wednesday’s Musing. Today we’d like to share about how our past lives are influencing your current situation and your current level of development. Now, many peoples of the world, for some odd reason, do not...
Hello and welcome to another Joyful Tune In and today I’d like to read you some notes that came through the other day on past life influences. This is a follow -up to a tune -in that we did before on past lives and I’m sure we will continue to add further...
And welcome to another Wednesday Musing. Today I’d like to share with you some feedback I’ve gotten from some friends and clients recently. So it does appear that many are going through very sudden changes. Example, all of a sudden losing a loved one, a...
Hello, and welcome to another joyful tune -in. So let’s take a moment to center and ground to the power of the breath. Going to the here now. I am here, I am now, and I am. And today, we’re going to talk about balance and why it’s important,...
Hello and welcome to another Wednesday Musing. Today we’d like to share about distractions, which are also distortions of energy. And if you look at the world today, everywhere, there is extreme distractions. On any level, on the swing of the pendulum. Why is...
Well, hello from Sedona and welcome to another joyful tune in. And today, we’re going to share a little bit about Overwhelm and how to prevent overwhelm from stressing out your body and affecting your consciousness. So, let’s take a moment to center and...
Hello and welcome to another Wednesday Musing. Today I’d like to share once again the theme of change in this year of Great Transition and how we can move through these great Earth changes with more joy, more flow, more harmony, and more happiness. So how about...