Contemplate or meditate on this for the next 33 days to manifest your diving reality:

Only that which comes from Love is real since the source of Truth is within you (your Soul)

– From the Oneness



More Blog Entries
Soul Fragments and Your Inner Child

Soul Fragments and Your Inner Child

Hello, and welcome to another Joyful Tune Ins. Today I'd like to read to you some notes that came through the other day, and we'd to share with you some information on soul fragments. Because of the nature of this distorted matrix and hologram, this Earth construct,...

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Soul Fragments

Soul Fragments

Hello, and welcome to another Wednesday's Musing. And today, let's share the idea regarding soul fragments. And what really does that mean? Re -imagine, before time began, that you were in this beautiful light that we call the oneness. And this was the time before...

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The Eclipse and Life Transformations

The Eclipse and Life Transformations

Joyful transitions are like eclipses, full moon and spiritual gatherings that are a time of great change from the old to the new. They act as harbingers and transformations. It is not easy moving locations, changing relationships, shifting careers, caregiving,...

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