Are you seeking ways to find your spiritual path? Do you dream of meeting your spiritual guide? Do you feel you are here to fulfill a higher purpose?

You are not mistaken! Higher self-connection and discovering your soul’s calling on deeper and deeper levels is why you are here.

What is a “higher self” spiritual guide? It is simply connecting to the highest version of YOU.

Nature is healing humanity and the planet through YOUR process of self-discovery, self-connection and self-healing. Your soul is here to blossom fully into the beautiful magnificent being that is your higher self.

I’ve made it my life’s work to discover the truth of existence and to facilitate this discovery process for others.

I am excited to share with you some practical (and powerful) ways to find higher self-meaning in your life EVERY DAY.

Soul Whispers…

Your inner guidance speaks in soft, gentle whispers that arise from the oneness of all existence. It can only be discerned clearly in moments of non-thinking and non-judgment, when the mind is at rest and the intuitive channel is open. I see this instinctual guidance as God Within. It is how your soul moves you forward on the journey to higher and higher levels of wisdom, understanding and joy.

One simple way to recognize your inner guidance is to know that it is always loving and supportive. It is a source of inspiration that gently guides you to the next adventure, the next lesson, the next inward journey. It is a positive force for change and renewal. Learn to speak to yourself and treat yourself with kindness and compassion. This is a beautiful way to cultivate a true connection with the inner guidance of your higher self.

Connection Through Writing

Journaling has the potential to reveal hidden insight into your dreams and hopes as well as your fears, emotional blocks and resistance.

Write down your thoughts and visions of how you would like to experience life. Identify the values you want to live by. What gives you a sense of joy, peace, satisfaction and purpose? Include details about how it feels to imagine the grandest vision of your future.

Journal about the fears and doubts you have in expressing your soul’s calling and vision as well. How do you block yourself from full self-expression in relationships and in your career or work life? Keep in mind, real inner connection is about being kind and compassionate with yourself. Examining these blocks is not about self-reprimand or shame. It is simply an exercise to reveal what needs to be healed.


Nature Healing…

Nature walks are a wonderful way to facilitate an open dialogue with your inner spiritual guide. Nature helps the mind relax and tune in to the healing rhythms that pulse within all life. Nature is the feminine expression of God. She brings grace and blessings and helps us to feel nurtured and supported, grounded, and filled with inspiration and powerful life force energy. Nature supports our spiritual journey of awakening and enlightenment and imbues us with a sense of peace and calm.

We can leave the worries of our corporeal existence behind when we step into a forest… or even when we feel the grounding energies of the earth beneath our bare feet.

Set aside some time to be in nature every day. It will do wonders for your health and wellbeing on all levels. It will set you firmly on the path to spiritual growth and understanding by providing you a space and opportunity to open your heart and harmonize your soul to the rhythm of nature and spirit.


Nature Meditation for Spiritual Guidance

Meditating in nature is a wonderful way to utilize her powerful forces for profound self-discovery and guidance.

Find a quiet, comfortable spot and plant yourself, like a tree rooted deep in the earth. Feel the earth grounding and nurturing you. Call forth the energies that bring you joy, inspiration and peace.

Whatever questions arise, hold them gently with an open heart and mind. Contemplate what is most important and meaningful to you. Tap into the core values of your soul.

Some questions you may want to bring to your nature meditation are:

  • What is my higher purpose in life?
  • Where do I want to go?
  • Whom do I choose to be with?
  • How do I choose to express myself?

Giving and Receiving

Giving and receiving healing work of any kind fosters your alignment with higher self. Healing work, like massage, reiki, sound healing, guided meditation and yoga (among others) provide opportunities for you to open and receive. It’s a great way to practice the art of self-love and appreciation and to affirm that you are valuable and deserving of healing. Opening up to healing frequencies with love and intention allows joy to circulate in all your systems. It is this joy that brings healing and connection to life.

Giving to others allows that same energy of love and joy to flow through you. This can be even the smallest gesture of kindness such as a smile or word of encouragement to another human being.

Moments of giving and receiving love and healing put us in the flow of life, where we are guided by the calling of our highest self. These are the times when things seem to happen effortlessly because we have gotten out of the way so divinity can express through us. A sense of oneness, and feelings of connection and joy are signs that you are tapped into your divine flow.

Positive Intention

In any and all instances where you are seeking a deeper connection with your higher self, intention is a powerful key to gaining insight. Specifically, when you have an intention to see all events in your life as lessons that are here to guide you to truth, you will come to know, deep in the core of your being, that even in the most trying of circumstances and situations, you are never alone. God always “has your back” …even in the darkest night of the soul.

When you commit to discovering purpose in your life every day, you come to realize that YOU are the master of your reality and your world, and you have the innate power to change your inner and outer circumstances.

I invite you to step onto the path…

If you’d like to schedule a consultation with me, please click here!

Hello and welcome to another Joyful Tune In and today I'd like to read you some notes that came through the other day on past life influences. This is a follow -up to a tune -in that we did before on past lives and I'm sure we will continue to add further content on this very popular subject these days.

Past life influences. We bring to this incarnation the unresolved and incomplete lessons from our most recent past or parallel lives. Our core issues reflect our past patterns now being called to be made whole again.

Our core woundings from in utero birthing and early childhood reflect our major life lessons from a spiritual perspective. These core patterns are reflected in our parent -child relationships primarily but, also in our first love or marriage, our first divorce or separation, and/or from our first loss of a loved one including pets.

Our aura field contains a level that is called your past life aura. Some can be said of same. The same can be said of your akashic records and the same can be said of our chakra system. Your gateway from the ethereal to the physical when you are out of control in a situation or relationship, what is reflected here is a plain out of a core pattern in your four lower bodies: your emotions, your thoughts, your energy, and your physical body.

With contemplation you can access or be tuned into these core patterns, with the inner knowing of how to heal it and bring it into the present time, grounded in your new earth reality. Remember this, the obvious is never true, is one saying.

The other is F -E -A -R: false evidence appearing real. We must go deep into our subconscious to uproot these unconscious ingrained imprinting, which comes from culture, religion, politics, and self -creative beliefs and ideas of self and God.

By your creative ideas, you shall become free. By your new choices, you become freer to be. By sincere effortless commitment, you shall be free. So let's just take a moment and we just reflect on our past, our history, and whatever is coming up that appears to be outstanding or has energy in it now and just be with that.

Be with that core pattern. Bring it into love, bring it into the heart center, bring it into your power center. Bring it into your soul, your spirit and reimagine that that energy is now being completely loved and supported so that it can self heal so that it now can become part of your joy, part of your light, part of your inspiration and moving forward on your ascension path.

Just simply be with it, breathe, allow, accept, and know that all is already healed. And let this energy move throughout the rest of your day into this week, knowing that you are free. And that whatever has happened in the past, is the past and can now be received wholly and unconditionally into that place that we call unconditional love and allowance.

So thank you for tuning in, and please go to our website to check out our new offerings, events, and products. And have a very wonderful week. Be blessed. Be you. Be free. Many blessings.