Let’s come into the now moments through the power of a very deep and long and slow breath in and out, grounding with the new earth, stabilizing all of your energy fields.

Today we’re going to tap into the energy and consciousness of the Buddha and what he represented to mankind in his last incarnation. Thank you. So we’re going to open up the mental body, and you’re going to bring forth, as a collective energy, all of your self judgments that you made upon yourself in situations and people, places and things and events from the past, that have caused you distress and suffering, anxiety, pain, discomfort, shame, guilt, sadness, loneliness, depression, all of it.

And we’re going to, as we tap in and merge with this Buddha power, or that which the Buddha represented, as non judgment, as what we would call neutrality, or being the observer or the voyager, Thank you.

Using our innate ability of perception from the oneness, from the place beyond duality. Imagine that you are replacing all those experiences of self judgment that have caused you suffering and stress and discomfort.

You are replacing it with the power of presence, the power of non judgment, the power of observation of what truly is. It’s the power of stillness. It is a power that sees all things as they truly are as opposed to how we wish it to be.

So allow this energy to move through all those places of judgments within your mental body that have caused you stress and worry. And begin to replace all of that with the power of universal non -judgmental clear perception or experience of what is beyond the veil.

So take a deep breath, move that energy through your body. The power of neutrality, of non -judgment, being the observer and the voyager within all of your life experiences and seeing all of life and humanity for what they truly are. Allow this energy now to move through your day and into the dream time, allowing whatever comes up emotionally to just simply be, accept, allow, less, and allow it to heal. All misperceptions can be healed through clarity And right use of will or the right use of intentions and choices. So thank you for tuning in and have a very blessed non -judgmental week of clarity and purpose. So until next time, many blessings. Thank you.


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And welcome to another Wednesday Musing. Today I'd like to share with you some feedback I've gotten from some friends and clients recently. So it does appear that many are going through very sudden changes.

Example, all of a sudden losing a loved one, a family member or a beloved pet. Or suddenly changing jobs and careers. Or suddenly getting the call to move physically. Or out of the blue, having a spouse leave, physically departed.

It does appear that many people are experiencing sudden changes. And as a planet, we are experiencing our collective dark night of the soul. And individually as well, some are going through this. Some have gone through this and some will go through this in the near future.

Why don't we handle all this? These sudden changes. For one, it is good to develop your innate ability, your innate ability to trust, to trust, to trust, to trust. God, creation, the unknown, the unseen, your next step.

Some call it faith. But it's the knowing that these realization. The realization is this, that you are always loving supported from the unseen realms no matter what. And when you ask for it, you are divinely protected.

And angels cannot work on your behalf unless they are asked sincerely. So how do we move through these changes without freaking out without becoming overloaded or depressed or extremely anxious.

Having the faith in all is divine order. that what you are experiencing are lessons that have carried over into this lifetime where you are ready to complete and heal and come to closure with. That is all for your spiritual learning and growth and that you are never a victim.

Imagine moving awareness now out of being the victim of, and not having enough of, and moving into this unknown space where it is worry free, it is stress free, it is effortless free, or it is, shall we say, manifesting from a place of creative thought and inspiration.

So it is quite possible to move through these planetary ups and downs, the swing of the spiritually, career -wise, relationship -wise. Everything is in divine order according to your belief and trust in self, and that what you have created can be recreated from a new perspective from the oneness that what once was experienced as trauma and drama can now be re experienced and revisioned as grace and blessings as healings for the soul knowing that you are divine creator always manifesting in form that you choose your reality experiences and that your truth is nobody else's truth and their truth is not your truth and your truth is your truth And as you come to the awareness that you live by your truth, your innate truth, so shall you be free.

So with that in mind, keep that thought going for the rest of the week, that you are truly a free being. And not the subject of other people's thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs. And that you are here to be, to be the presence of love, to be the presence of wisdom, to be the presence of truth.

And the power of grace, called blessings. So thank you for tuning in today. And for other good stuff, go to kenjikumara.com and check out our new membership program that has started and our upcoming Awaken Your Higher Consciousness Mastery Program.

Plus, you can find us on Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube. Plus, out there in the four corners of the universe, you will find us there. You may find us everywhere, actually. For you are also everywhere.

So until next time, in the every where, many blessings. Godspeed.