Karma, as you may know, is a term originating from eastern philosophies that describes the issues we bring into this lifetime to learn, heal or resolve. This concept is also expressed in western culture. For instance, the Christian faith follows the tenet: You reap what you sow. You have also probably heard the adage: What comes around goes around. This is a westernized take on karma as well. 

It’s important to understand however, that while karma is often thought of as something to be feared as retribution for past crimes or sins, this is not the real meaning. A broader, more accurate definition is that it deals with life lessons you chose to learn before you agreed to incarnate in this lifetime.

These can be carryovers from past lifetimes, of course. But “bad karma” is not punishment. It is rather a tool that can help us understand the spiritual value of life lessons. Whether these lessons occur one time or ten thousand times over the course of many incarnations, they are the necessary means for spiritual growth. That means that those of us who are on a spiritual path often experience some hard life lessons. And when we finally “get” the lesson, we see why it was necessary, and we are grateful that our Creator cared enough to send us the circumstances that in the end, facilitated our evolutionary process

What is Ancestral Karma?

Ancestral karma refers to the individual and collective unresolved issues that are carried by our ancestors and family members in their spiritual and physical DNA, or “genetic line.” Familial karma involves situations that seem to be hard to resolve and heal within families. These can be thought of as lessons that are being learned by the family collective. Some families are plagued with alcoholism and/or other types of addiction; others experience recurring instances of mental illness or physical ailments such as obesity, diabetes, or heart problems. Dysfunctional emotional and mental patterns lie deep within the psyche of family members.

Ancestral karma can also be expressed through belief systems that linger through generations. One such belief is: You are born in sin, and therefore…

Belief systems have a ripple effect on our collective cultural behaviors and institutions as well as how we express ourselves as individuals.

So, as you may have gathered, some aspects of ancestral karma are not just contained within families, but extend out into the whole of society. These are the karmic lessons we are here to resolve together, as a collective. And, since we are each an integral part of the whole, our individual and familial karmic evolution serves to heal the collective as well. That is, as we heal our own mental and emotional patterns and conditioning, our ancestors and family members are healed as well… And that healing ripples out into the matrix of being, which includes all of humanity. 

Something to consider is that ancestral karma can relate to one’s spiritual ancestry, not just one’s physical or genealogical ancestry. 

Each of us is part of a soul group. Soul groups are collections of souls that incarnate at the same time to learn collective lessons. 

People in the same soul group may have similar talents, gifts and abilities. For instance, you may be part of a spiritual healing lineage, i.e., spiritual healers from different cultures and walks of life, or a leadership lineage, i.e., thought leaders of our past and present, or an educational lineage, i.e., science or art educators. You don’t necessarily have to be acquainted with everyone in your soul group. But, just as with your familial karma, as you resolve individual karmic issues, you contribute to the healing of your entire soul group.

So since everything we do affects the whole, and because we are influenced by the collective, one could argue that there is no such thing as individual karma. We are all here to heal ourselves and one another simultaneously. And, through this process, ALL ancestral karma resolves into a state of harmonious oneness.

Healing Ancestral Karma

While we cannot heal the wounds and so-called karma of those who have gone before us, we can heal our issues with ancestors and family members by going within and tapping into the memories of past, past life, or present relationships with them.

Some of the most effective approaches to initiate this healing process are in the realm of energy medicine. 

Soul counseling, life coaching and medical hypnotherapy are other modalities that get to the root of the matter. 

Deep healing work such as structural integration, HUNA, traeger work, yoga, EMDR, focusing technique and Japanese acupuncture are other avenues for healing ancestral karma.

There are a variety of family therapies as well that can aid in bringing more productive ways of thinking and behaving into dysfunctional family systems. 

Crystals for Healing Ancestral Karma

Crystals once held great power. Today, this power is coming back into the crystal kingdom to aid humanity as we move into a time of more loving and conscious existence, connected with nature and her many gifts.

Here is a list of some of my favorite crystals for healing ancestral karma: Quartz (Lemurian, clear, smoky, rose, Amethyst, Citrine), Selenite, Aventurine, Shungite, Obsidian, blue and green Turquoise, Tiger’s Eye, Sapphire, Rugby, Diamond, Moonstone, Malachite, green and black Tourmaline, Jade, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Carnelian, Agate, Fluorite, Hematite, Kyanite, Jasper, Pyrite, Labradorite, Celestite, Bloodstone, Aquamarine, Chrysocolla, Rhodonite, Malachite, Garnet, Amazonite, Azurite, Iolite, Calcite, Apatite, Kunzite, Opal, Lepidolite, Angelite, Sunstone, and Topaz.

Meditation As Supreme Healer

Above all these approaches, I would place meditation. In my experience, meditation is the most effective mode of self healing, because it creates a space for acceptance, and release of body tension and stress. It is a simple way of learning how to relax the brain, nervous system and body so that one can heal any manner of stress, conflict, tension and discord. This allows us to tap into our inherent potential, both spiritual and physical, and to coherently integrate all aspects of our being.

Since mind, body, emotions and soul are always connected when one is integrated, what you affect in one area affects all other areas. It’s like a mandala where all aspects and manifestations of being are inter-connected. YOU are like a cosmic mandala… a fractal image of the greater whole.

Here are a few ways to heal ancestral karma through the practice of meditation:

  • Be fully present in the moment. By immersing yourself in the present, you heal the past and the future.
  • Be willing and open to healing all conscious and unconscious, past and present family patterns and discord. This comes by spiritually making a choice to do so (with the help of the universe) and by trusting that your choice has POWER and has been answered by the greater universe.
  • Practice bringing love and compassion to any challenging situation. This can be done by surrounding the people and circumstances involved with a field of healing light.
  • Be in a state of miracle-mindedness. This means believing, and KNOWING that anything is possible.
  • Make an effort, through prayer and intention, to connect from your heart with the person or persons you want to heal your karma with. Ask for blessings and assistance from your ancestors, ascended masters, multi-dimensional beings, teachers from past lives, angels and/ or the elementals of Earth.
  • Forgive everyone for everything.
  • Focus on clearing old energetic cords, emotional bindings and mental attachments to and from your ancestors and family members. This will clear you of all unconscious ancestral and familial interference and discord.

By keeping your personal space clear through the ongoing practice of meditation, you establish and maintain access to ALL knowledge within. When your energy field is clear, you can more easily navigate life as a joyous and loving person. From this place you radiate healing to everyone around you. As you become more and more adept at maintaining this awakened state, you will accrue less and less karma.

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