Contemplate or meditate on this for the next 33 days to manifest your diving reality:
Only that which comes from Love is real since the source of Truth is within you (your Soul)
– From the Oneness
More Blog Entries
Visions I Received And Their Meanings
Hello, this is Kenji and welcome to another Wednesday musings from the spirit of New Earth. Today I'd like to share with you some visions that I had as a teenager growing up in the Bay Area, California. I'm sharing this because perhaps it will help clarify perhaps...
Brain Healing Meditation
Hello everyone and welcome to another joyful tune in. This is Kenji. Today we're going to do a simple brain balancing technique. And you can do this first thing in the morning. You can do this before you go to sleep at night. And you could do it midday when perhaps...
Light On Your Path
Your path is always lit. The Light is always with you no matter your circumstances, situations, challenges, roadblocks and obstacles. When you were eternally born, the Light came with you, as You - for it was your source of creation and creativity. The Light was, is...