Are you ready for deeper insights regarding your spiritual path? Are you ready to know how to shift your body’s level of health? Are you ready to have your 3rd Eye activated and viewing clearly? Are you ready to make a move into the Unknown? Are you ready to begin to truly trust your intuitions and inner knonings? Are you ready to stay open to any and all possibilities and adventures?

Many changes are afoot, for all. Each being on the planet is being asked to answer the Calling. That Calling is that inner impulse, that inner pull and pressure to open up to the grandeur of your Universe, the grandeur of You to your greatest dreams and visions. Will you follow through on these internal urges?

Do you remember your Calling as a young child, as a teenager, as a young adult about to venture into the world for the first time? Do you remember what you day-dreamed about as a young kid? What you fantasized doing as an adult? You did come into this life knowing what your pathway was going to be and what you had planned out to learn and who you were going to meet and collaborate with. Now is the time to remember your Calling, your 2022 Calling.

You were given Gifts before your arrival HERE. Do you remember what they are? You have innate skills and abilities. Are you using them today? You have an inner knowing of things. Are you using that gift on a daily basis? As you came into this incarnation, you had the awareness of how to navigate this world of dreams and fantasies. The Call has gone out to remember who and what you are and why you are HERE. You are more than you believe yourself To Be.

So much will be transpiring this year, some expected and a lot unexpected. Be prepared for the unexpected on both sides of the aisle, so to speak. Be prepared to use your gifts and your compassion. The world is waking up from the dream. You are here to help those that are awakening to stay in balance and harmony through all the great Earth Changes. In the meantime, remember this:

“Everyday, in every way, I am getting better and better” – Author unknown

Have a blessed month!
– I AM and the bliss team