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Making Miracles Happen- Reclaim Your Intuitive Ability to Heal, to Help a World in Need of Your Gifts

FREE Live Event
July 24th LIVE SUMIT–7 day replay to follow

Tune into the incredible speaker line up from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm PST on July 24th— 1:30 pm: Kenji Kumara – Healing With The Angelics

Join me live – we’re diving into a world of miracles and manifesting dreams. For those seeking to use their intuitive gifts and abilities to heal people around the globe, this event is your gateway!  Join us to unlock your innate power and learn from experts who will guide you every step of the way.

In addition to my free presentation, you get to dive into an array of insightful talks, PLUS FREE GIFTS! With our lineup of captivating speakers covering topics from love and manifestation to healing and personal growth, there’s something for everyone. Join us live for the chance to interact, ask questions, and be part of the conversation.

Can’t make it live? No worries! Register now to gain access to the 7-day replay and catch up on any sessions you miss. But remember, you must register to get access to all this goodness. So, don’t wait any longer – secure your spot now and get ready for an unforgettable experience on July 24, 2024 via Zoom.

Awaken Your Higher Consciousness Program

Training Program
Runs June 4th, 2024- September 17th, 2024
Early Bird Discount Ends June 7th

Registration CLOSES Friday, June 7th

To the Star seeds, lightweavers, way-showers, life coaches, energy workers, change agents, etc. … all of those who are on the spiritual path to enlightenment and self-realization. This is YOUR opportunity to evolve your practice and teaching approaches and take them to the next level in this planetary ascension work and in your service to humanity.

Joyful Creations Academy Membership 

Monthly Membership and Community
Begins May 2nd, 2024
First 20 members receive Founders discount and exclusive bonus content

No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, it is important to have a loving support system in place made up of a community of like minded individuals connecting on a similar path. Join us as we enter the time of the awakening and emerge from the shadows of time.

solar eclipse meditation with kenji kumara

Master Class: Mary Magdalene Feast Day/New Moon-

Healing Your Sacred Womb Trauma with the Magdelene

July 22, 2024 – 4 pm AZ/PT USA

Early Bird Registration Discount Available until 7-19-24
This unique quantum level masterclass event on healing your womb (women and men) trauma with the Magdalene energy is very appropriate given what is transpiring on the earth plane and within humanity. There is so much historical trauma held with your sacral chakra and now is the time to clear and restructure this intimate relationship chakra. Your sacred womb space has been the forbidden and most mis-understood and mis-applied chakra center of all the chakras. It has been mis-used (both yin and yang principles) and miscreated since the original veiling and now is the time for this powerful manifesting chakra to come out of the closet and be known for what it was meant to be – the place of sacred union of the divine masculine and feminine.
solar eclipse meditation with kenji kumara

Master Class: Mother Mary Birthday Blessings

Emotional Healing with Mother Mary

August 5, 2024 – 4 pm AZ/PT USA

Early Bird Registration Discount Available until 8-2-24
In this Masterclass event, Mother Mary desires to come through for all of us for the healing of our emotional body. The Mother holds the divine archetype of balance and harmony within our emotional nature, which is one of the driving forces of pro-creation, co-creation and Creation in general.  We will have the opportunity to heal, reconstruct, recalibrate, and reset our emotional body and our remembrance of the original matrix of spiritual expression that God gave all of us in the very beginning before time began.
solar eclipse meditation with kenji kumara

Master Class: Quantum Expansion Through the 8:8 Lionsgate 2024

August 8, 2024 – 4 pm AZ/PT USA

Early Bird Registration Discount Available until 8-5-24
In this Masterclass on quantum expansion, the 8:8 Lionsgate is a very powerful stargate vortex of expanded energies that can enhance, magnify, empower, and fortify your: crown, 3rd Eye, heart, and solar chakras- all power points of your physical body. While also aiding in enhancing your spiritual awareness, perception, and ability to embody a higher degree of spiritual light within your brain, dna, subatomic particles, and codons.
We will align with the Infinity power expressed through the double 8 as we clear blockages and unconsciousness from our 4 lower bodies and even our higher frequency subtle light bodies. Lionsgate is about inner strength, inner courage, inner fortitude and inner empowerment, and now is the time to reclaim our inner knowing and realization of who and what we are and how we are serving in the many worlds.
solar eclipse meditation with kenji kumara

Masterclass-Full Moon/Past Lives

August 19, 2024
4:00 pm AZ/PT
Meditation Activation

Replay/Download includes: Video, Edited MP3 Audio

There is a resurgence and interest in learning about your past lives and how these lives affect your current incarnation as well as alternative timelines and the manifestation of your soul journey. Today, we will take a deeper dive into a past life that is affecting your current incarnation and your ability to manifest not only your soul mission and purpose, but also your emotional and mental health, the overall energy of your body and your ability to create abundance, prosperity, wellbeing, joy and balance in your everyday life.

solar eclipse meditation with kenji kumara

High Frequency Soul Activation with Kimberly and Kenji-August 2024

August 24, 2024
2:00 pm-4:00 pm AZ/PT | 5:00 pm-7:00 pm ET USA
Meditation Activation

Replay/Download includes: Video and Zoom Transcription

Join us in this group healing event as we journey together into the higher frequencies of the Quantum, the 5th dimension, and beyond! Both Kimberly and Kenji will interact with the live audience bringing forth 1:1 mentoring activations, mediumship readings, and holy spirit healings. We will conclude this starseed gathering with a group meditation and prayer that will continue to work in your Field until complete.Your spiritual guides and pets are most welcome to attend. Bring a water bottle, notebook, and pen.

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Recent Events & Activations

Master Class: Freedom & Prosperity

July 3, 2024
2:30 pm AZ/PT USA
Replay/Download includes Video and Edited mp3 audio

Early Bird Discount until June 30

Join us for a special Masterclass presentation on Freedom & Prosperity on this pre 7:7:7 Stargate/St Germain Day/New Moon. We will be aligning with the power of the triple 7 Stargate, the presence of St Germain/Violet Light ascension energy and the New Moon energy of new beginnings.

Master Class Series: Solar Logos Meditation- Pre Full Moon/Solstice

June 19, 2024
4:00 pm AZ/PT USA
Replay/Download includes Video and Edited mp3 audio

In this continuing Masterclass Series, we will bring in a powerful Solar Logos meditation just before the June full moon and summer solstice. The birth of the cosmic Christ (in the flesh) is a most magnificent event in consciousness, so we ask you, “Are you ready to be reborn into your original nature and divine matrix of Presence”? This guided inner journey will be mostly silent as you will be carried on the waves of Infinity, Eternity, and Timelessness. Be prepared for awe, wonder, miracles and blessings.

st Germain day activation with Kenji Kumara

Wesak Festival / Full Moon 

May 23, 2024
4:00 pm-6:00 pm AZ/PT | 7:00 pm-9:00 pm ET USA
Early Bird Until May 20th
Meditation Activation

In this yearly full moon in Taurus global event, we will join forces with those from around the world who come together in community to celebrate the birth and teachings of Gautama Buddha, known as the enlightened one. Buddha taught the middle way, or the way of balance and harmony within all things. The essence of his teachings are best exemplified by the Taoists monks and Zen masters of antiquity.

st Germain day activation with Kenji Kumara

Yeshua Ascension Day 

May 9, 2024
4:00 pm-6:00 pm AZ/PT | 7:00 pm-9:00 pm ET USA
Early Bird Until May 6th
Meditation Activation

In this unique event, we will be moving beyond the traditional and historical ideas and concepts of the resurrection and ascension and into the quantum realm of the meaning and purpose of Yeshua’s ascension and illumination. This will be a deep journey into the mysteries of the spiritual hierarchy and how your ascension process is guided by your path of initiation and your commitment to self and soul realization.

solar eclipse meditation with kenji kumara
High Frequency Soul Activation with Kimberly and Kenji

April 29, 2024
4:00 pm-6:00 pm AZ/PT | 7:00 pm-9:00 pm ET USA
Meditation Activation

Join us in this group healing event as we journey together into the higher frequencies of the Quantum and the 5th dimension and beyond. Both Kimberly and Kenji will interact with the live audience in bringing forth 1:1 mentoring activations and holy spirit healings. We will conclude this starseed gathering with a group meditation and prayer that will continue to work in your Field until complete. Your spiritual guides and pets are most welcome to attend. Bring a water bottle, notebook and pen.

st Germain day activation with Kenji Kumara

St Germain

May 1, 2024
4:00 pm-6:00 pm AZ/PT | 7:00 pm-9:00 pm ET USA
Early Bird Until April 28th
Meditation Activation

Let us come together in union with St Germain, the Violet Light angels and the ascended masters on this special day to pay tribute to this beautiful soul and the work he has brought forth for humanity for many centuries. We have an opportunity to come together on the inner planes to bring forth the love light of creation for the planet and humanity as we channel the divine light into the chakra system and ley lines of our beloved GAIA, to the Devas and Elementals and into the core matrix of Earth Mother.

full moon

Full Moon Satsang / Shaki-Pat

April 23, 2024
4 pm AZ/PT | 7 pm ET USA
Meditation Activation


Come join us for a unique full moon quantum satsang and shaki-pat event as we move deeper into the 2024 year of transformation and the deepening from the April 8th eclipse/new moon event. This will be largely a silent 528 hertz frequency meditation as we sit in the presence of the council of 14 from the Arcturian lineage and star system supported by the Kumara High Council. The spontaneous transmission will be in accordance with those in live attendance and in replay. Shakti-pat is a Blessing from Grace for your 4 lower bodies, your soul journey and your next evolutionary quantum leap.
solar eclipse meditation with kenji kumara

Solar Eclipse / New Moon Activation

April 8, 2024
4 pm AZ/PT | 7 pm ET
Early Bird Sale Until April 5
Meditation Activation

This 2024 solar eclipse is a big one and one that you will want to attend live. Big transformations are in order; huge internal shifts are possible; profound spiritual and physical changes are possible; immense solar light will be projected onto the planet and humanity; combined with the solar flares, this event will knock your socks off, so be prepared for amazing miracles and breakthroughs. This solar activation will be transmitted from the higher dimensions and our high frequency guides. We ask the Devas and Nature Spirits to attend so humanity and Nature can once again be aligned in balance and harmony with the transition into a new earth. We will have the support of the Sedona vortexes and especially Thunder Mountain.

resurrection and ascension Kenji Kumara product image

Resurrection and Ascension Activation

March 31, 2024
1 pm MST | 3 pm EST | 12 pm PST
Early Bird Sale Until March 28nd
Meditation Activation

Join us for another special event on Resurrection & Ascension. This year brings the opportunity to further your progress in the new earth matrix for the resurrection of your past lifetime and your ascension into your potential and probably future.

joyful creation academy bonus call with Kenji Kumara

Joyful Creations Academy-Bonus Event

March 28, 2024
4 pm PT | 7 pm ET
Free Event
Meditation Activation

Hello, Kenji here! I want to introduce you to my new and upgraded membership program called Joyful Creations Academy. The purpose of this on-going container and platform is for you to have a safe and secure “space” to share your wisdom and to get in touch with those core issues that have shadowed your inner brilliance and creativity. We go into many themes that are relevant to the times and support you fully in your healing process and awakening to higher consciousness.

Full Moon/Eclipse-Sedona Activation

March 25, 2024
4 pm MST | 6 pm EST | 3 pm PST
Early Bird Sale Until March 22nd
Meditation Activation

You are warmly invited to this special Sedona Activation Event. This is a first in a series of Sedona Activations transmitted from the base of Thunder Mt in west Sedona. Let us celebrate the full moon and lunar eclipse as we move into the springtime of abundance and prosperity: balance and harmony, perfection in imperfection: into the hidden beauty of Emptiness.

Group Healing Event

March 21, 2024
4 pm MST | 6 pm EST | 3 pm PST
Early Bird Sale Until March 18th
Meditation Activation

You are warmly invited to this unusual group healing event where Kenji will share his journey out of Asheville and back to Sedona. Fascinating occurrences and lots of warm welcome energy accompanied the long 1900+ journey. Given this backstory, we will journey into a group healing experience where we bring in the energy of Grace, Blessings, Angels and Universal Support.

Spring Equinox Activation 2024-The Stillness

March 20, 2024
4 pm MST | 6 pm EST | 3 pm PST
Early Bird Sale Until March 17
Replay/Download include Video, edited mp3 audio and full written transcript

In this spring equinox activation, we will, together in the Quantum, move awareness to our inner core of stillness, where power and love reside. This will be a rather different and unusual attunement guided by high frequency Beings of Light as we reconnect, redesign and reconfigure our divine matrix beyond what has been known so we can realize our innate knowing which leads to realization.

Pre 2:2 Stargate-Higher Self Downloads

Activation Meditation
Feb 1, 2024
7:00 ET USA
Early Bird Until Jan 29
Replay/Download include Video, edited mp3 audio and full written transcript

This is a followup to Higher Self Downloads published years ago. It is time for another upgrade, recalibration and rearticulation related to the Clear and Perfect Channel activations from past retreats. This promises to be a fun event. We will bring in more of the comedy team and lighthearted archangel presences. Buddha taught about the (clarity) clear light body; Yeshua taught about universal love; other avatars have taught about the oneness, unity consciousness and the way.

Shelia Gale Tribute & Memorial Celebration

Free Event
Jan 31, 2024
7:00 ET USA

In trusting my strong inner guidance, we are doing a special Zoom event entitled: Sheila Gale Tribute & Memorial Celebration. For all of you who have been touched by Sheila’s graces and warmest of heart, we encourage you to attend LIVE this gathering of starseeds to pay tribute to and celebrate the life and teachings of SK, as I used to call her. The Idea here is to give spirit Sheila some really good “ju-ju” for her journey in the Light. A spectacular “send off!” for her.

It feels like spirit Sheila is guiding me to do this, for she wants us all to come together to celebrate the Joy of earth life and to reconnect to build the bond of spiritual Light for humanity and GAIA. We will invite spirit Sheila and all her family members, Mike and the kids to join us in celebrating her incarnation and the sharing of many gifts to all of us.

Immersion Into Presence on the Wolf Full Moon

Activation Meditation
Jan 25, 2024
7:00 ET USA
Early Bird Until Jan 22
Replay/Download include Video, edited mp3 audio and full written transcript

Join us for a special Full Moon/Immersion into the Presence. This is a multi-dimensional meditative inward journey into deepening your ability to embody the subtle layers of your divine Presence. We will journey through the higher dimensions and practice “holding” or embracing the Oneness Energy within our higher octave light bodies and conclude with the Clear Light integration into and through your whole chakra system. This is an advance attunement for all starseeds and Indigos who are ready to take their next step along their destiny pathway and will enhance your ability to effortlessly create and manifest their Soul’s high purpose.

1:1 Stargate 2024 – Clear Light Attunement

Activation Meditation
Jan 1, 2024
7:00 ET USA
Early Bird Until Dec 29
Replay/Download include Video, edited mp3 audio and full written transcript

Join us today for an auspicious 1:1 Stargate into the Clear Light of Buddha Consciousness. We will take the inward journey into the sacred heart of our buddha nature and receive the grace and blessings of the many Buddhas/Taras of enlightenment and salvation that will be present to support you. This is the first attunement of its kind that we have presented and your physical presence is most welcomed, appreciated and honored. This new year event is for all those ready to receive, activate and embody the clear diamond light of consciousness that the Buddhas have expressed throughout the ages of antiquity.