In this Higher Dimensions special 12:12:12 Portal event, we will access the power of the 12 that are symbolic of the 12 tribes, the 12 rays, the 12 dimensions, the 12 disciples, the 12 planets. 12 is a master number and is the precursor to 13, the number or power of integration and synthesis of the 12.
In this one-hour activation, we will tap into the power of the 12th dimension as a reference point for future meditations. Our brain and body as a whole, has to get used to higher dimensional flows and activations, so little steps are necessary before we can take a bigger leap of faith into the unknown, the void, the deeper stillness of Being and Presence.
This activation can be used each year on 12:12:12 as a way to connect to the deeper aspects of Self and Being. It can also be used once a month on the 12th day as an advanced meditation for higher consciousness integration.
Bring your friends along for a wild ride into the cosmos. If nothing else, the journey will be unusual and spiritually stimulating and energizing.
Blessings, Kenji