Magnetic Healing Part 1 – Pre Solar Eclipse/New Moon


Pre Solar Eclipse/New Moon
Recorded Live Oct 12, 2023
56 Minutes
Replay/Download include Video, edited mp3 audio and full written transcript



Join us today for a very unique and exciting group healing event. I have been guided to offer and bring forward a very powerful group healing process that will be channeled from the Archangels Christopher and Gabriel, assisted by Mother Mary and GAIA. This process has not been presented before on the Internet. Healing of your magnetic field is most important during the ascension process and is an area of healing that has been neglected or misunderstood.

In this dynamic event, we will spontaneously channel a full magnetic field reconstruction, realignment, recalibration and reset that will assist your emotional body to be strong, flexible, resilient, centered and balanced during the shift and transition into the higher dimensions of new earth. This process will address the emotional heaviness you feel and the burdens of excessive emotional baggage. it will literally lighten up your load and make your burden Light.

Please prepare for this event by water detoxing, detox baths, foot soaks, keeping a journey, lighting a white candle, sageing your space and wearing white, gold or pink clothes before the event. Bring a journal, pen and water with you.

You will be lying down on a comfortable mat or your bed for the guided activation. There will be no live interaction during the event. You will be asked to stay in the Energy afterwards for deep contemplation and reflection. The activation will deepen your appreciation for your body and will help you to get in touch with hidden and suppressed emotions and past life experiences. Be prepared for awesome changes Inner Child changes afterwards. The effects of the work will continue for days, weeks and months – and the benefits are cumulative over time and will integrate in gentle and profound ways.

Your pets and ancestors are most welcome to attend in the 5th dimension. Activations are evergreen and work over time, according to your belief and trust in Self.