• Reset your Pineal, Pituatary, Thalamus, Hypothalamus and Medulla Oblongata glands to the 5D-12D matrix much like you would reprogram your computer and hard drive system. Upload the new software.
  • Use the central sun for this reset. Use Gamma Rays and call on archangel Raziel to reveal the mysteries of God and open new pathways in the Quantum for your use. Use your knowingness to do this. 
  • Withdraw all your attention points out of the 3D-4D matrix and collect all your soul fragments back into your 5D Core. 
  • Use New Earth frequencies to stabilize and fortify your Auric Field and personal space/home space. 
  • Use the Violet Flame to fortify your 12 Chakra system and Crown Chakra. Call on archangel Zadkiel for this. 
  • For healing your womb space, call on Mother Mary or Mary Magdalene for instructions on healing old past life, birthing, early childhood and/or 1st marriage traumas and wounding. 
  • Seal with the Golden Light of the Christ. Call upon your Arcturians brothers and sisters for healing suggestions.
  • Use the power of The Breath and the 4 Pillars of Archangelic Lights to keep your energy field protected and full of Light.  
  • Ask The Elementals to share their wisdom with you.
  • The Unicorns (7-D) are here to help you with love and purity. Call them forth and merge with them through your heart chakra.
  • Invoke the Elohim of Peace and Love.