
New Moon/Solar Eclipse Online Transmission 12/26


Replay Sale – Limited Time!
50 minutes
Live Online Activation Meditation


“This transmission was probably the most powerful one I’ve experienced and I’ve done a lot of Kenji’s activations over the years. Kenji keeps getting better as a clear and perfect channel! Wow! Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
– Donna. H. 

A Cosmic Transmission

A fabulous Solar Eclipse transmission from the Great Central Sun and the Christ Field of Oneness.
Receive your Upgrade and Reset with the solar vibration from the Sacred Heart of our Central Sun and the quantum transmission from the Photon Belt. We will also use the power of this Eclipse to integrate our learning lessons and release our sense of karmic debt and so-called bad karma/bad luck.

The New Moon at 4° Capricorn is an annular solar eclipse. The solar eclipse astrology is very fortuitous because the Sun and Moon align with Jupiter, the planet of growth, abundance and good luck. A good aspect to Uranus adds positive change and excitement.

The Solar Eclipse keyword is serendipity because it activates Jupiter trine Uranus to bring unexpected good luck and happy coincidences when you least expect it. The eclipse is also on a fortunate fixed star to make this the luckiest eclipse I can remember in a very long time.- Astrology King

This meditation is evergreen.  Originally recorded, Thurs, Dec 26, 2019