Eclipsing Your Inner Shadows Recording


Originally Aired Thursday, August 18
Full Moon with Lunar Eclipse
61 mins


Come join me in meditation as we deeply reflect upon the patterns going on in our lives and how these unconscious imprints have affected us on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.

We will tap into the energies of the lunar eclipse and full moon to assist us in this journey within.

Like in the movie, The Matrix, is it possible to get out of the illusion of pain and suffering. We will hold the matrix of the Mother energy, the Divine Feminine, the Feminine Shakti so you can allow the gentle healing of your core issues.

Are you ready to receive the blessings from the realm of Grace and the Christos? This will be an hour of deeply moving within and then without. Masterful integration and embodiment will be your challenge as well as your blessings.

Bring a friend or two and join me in this unique event.