Angelic Attunement Series


4 Meditation Activations
Over an hour of content

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This Bundle contains the 4 part angelic attunement series for 2023. This bundle contains over an hour of audio content. These meditations are evergreen, meaning they are just as potent year after year as the time they were released.

Included in this series:

Pre Wolf Full Moon – Angelic Attunement #1 Enochian (Length 55 Minutes)

In this special Series we will touch on some of the Angelics’ that help and support us on our Journey Home, we will start off the Series with an attunement with the Enochian Angels, (a group consciousness under the umbrella of the Archangels) that “holds” frequencies of very high magical systems that can be utilized by humanity for self healing, expanded awareness and accelerated spiritual evolution.

Om So Hum as The Word, acknowledges the Oneness, communion and celebration that already is, and creates ascended master consciousness. Enochian Angelics connect us to our journey wave and the secrets of Creation. They bring healing, protection and joy and supports humanity in creating a new life through new ideas.

Come join us live or via replay for an amplified celebratory activation that will initiate a new beginning for you. As always, your pets and ancestors are most welcome to attend on the 5th Dimension. It is highly recommended to listen to attunements with earbuds or headphones and as often as needed. All activations are live, evergreen and organic and continue to run in the background in your life until complete per your free will. Remember to drink blessed water for your water elemental self.


1:11 Gateway – Angelic Attunement #2 Gryphons (Length 49 Minutes)

Gryphons are angelic guardian beings that literally stand side by side with you at all times. They hold the frequencies of strength, courage, vision, wisdom, focus and truth and are supreme guardians. At a certain stage of evolution, your guardian angels are supplemented by Gryphons. Gryphons give us the security of safety in navigating the Inner Realms. Gryphons come from the Pleiades Cluster/Oneness.

The 6 Pillars for today:

  • Strength to move thru or around obstacles and challenges
  • Courage to know who and what you are
  • Vision to see clearly what lies ahead in the Void
  • Wisdom to know what is true for you
  • Focus to stay on task, on track, on purpose
  • Truth to know and be what is real

In this Gateway presentation, we will journey together into the above realms so that we can truly know what we know and how we serve in the many worlds. This will be an “unique” call so you do not want to miss it if you can.

This is, indeed, a magical time. As always, your pets and ancestors are most welcome to attend on the 5th Dimension. It is highly recommended to listen to attunements with earbuds or headphones and as often as needed. All activations are live, evergreen and organic and continue to run in the background in your life until complete per your free will. Remember to drink blessed water for your water elemental self.

What is a Griffin?

A griffin (or gryphon) is a chimeric creature, part eagle and part lion. With incredible strength, unfailing protective instincts, and a zero-tolerance policy against evil, it is the superhero of mythological creatures. No villain can mess with the griffin!

Griffins combined the best traits from the eagle (“king of the birds”) and the lion (“king of the beasts”). Their heads come from the eagle; they are coated in glossy feathers, usually brown or golden, and have dangerous, curved beaks. Two tufts of feathers spring up from their heads, representing a lion’s ears. At their shoulders, a pair of powerful, feathered wings emerge. Behind the wings, the feathers fade into tawny fur, and the lion’s body takes over. These beasts are usually drawn with the front legs of an eagle and the back legs of a lion, but sometimes, all four legs are lion-like.

The griffin is hailed as “the king of all creatures,” and it is has the right personality for its title: noble, fearsome, and above all else, protective. It will fight to the death to keep evil and corruption out of its territory. In some cases, the griffin’s “territory” might be a precious object, or even a living creature, rather than a piece of land. They are well-known for guarding treasures, sacred sites, and royal families. Their loyalty can also be seen in their mating habits; they choose only one mate for their whole lives, and if that mate dies, they spend the rest of their days alone.

Special Abilities:
As you can probably imagine, the griffin is a terrible enemy in a fight. It has all the strength of a lion, and it can launch aerial attacks! Ancient historians claimed that this creature preyed on elephants and giraffes—so it made short work of human intruders.

The griffin’s mighty body has magical properties as well. Alchemists and early physicians prized the beast’s claws and feathers, which could restore sight to the blind. Griffin eggs were also valuable. They were made into goblets and drinking from them was said to prolong life.

Finally, the griffin has an eye for shiny objects, especially gold. It likes to nest in rocky areas where seams of gold can be found, and nuggets of gold can be found scattered around its nest.

The first griffins crop up as sculptures in ancient Egypt and Iran, around 3000 BC. Much later, the “king of all creatures” melded into Greek culture. Frescos from the 1400 BC show the beast guarding Greek palaces. Later, Greek natural historians, including Pliny the Elder, attempted to describe the griffin’s form, habitat, and behavior. Eventually, the Greeks passed the griffin along to the Romans, who spread its legend throughout Europe. Meanwhile, the eastern cultures who first dreamt up the griffin spread its legend to surrounding areas, including India and Syria.

Medieval Lore:
No medieval bestiary was complete without the griffin, king of all creatures. It was highly popular, both as a symbol and as a real creature, who could contribute to scientific advancement.

Both Christians and Muslims seized upon the griffin as a religious symbol. Christians used the bird to reinforce Christ’s mandate against marriage, since the noble bird was said to mate for life. Griffins were often carved into churches, and in Dante’s Divine Comedy griffins were stationed at the entrance to paradise, guarding it from evildoers. Meanwhile, the Muslim poet Rumi used griffins as symbols of Islamic virtue, and Muslim artists created the “Pisa Griffin,” the largest bronze statue to be made during Medieval times.

Individuals also claimed the griffin as their own personal symbol. It was extremely popular in heraldry, representing strength and bravery.

Alchemists and physicians bought up “griffin” claws, feathers, and eggs to be used in experiments. In reality, these were usually antelope horns, eagle feathers, and ostrich eggs.

Modern Appearances:
Today, the griffin has been surrendered to the realm of fantasy, but it is still a popular figure there! The Percy JacksonI series, the Spiderwick Chronicles, and the Harry Potter series all welcome griffins into their cast of characters. Games like World of Warcraft and Dungeons and Dragons also allow players to test their skills against the mighty griffin!


2:2 Gateway – Angelic Attunement #3 – Seraphim (Length 49 Minutes)

In this unique presentation on the Seraphim, we will be aligning with and receiving their powerful cleaning and purification rays of Light. This will be a high vibrational activation that can teach us how to receive and embody the seraphimic state of consciousness. Seraphim acts as collective consciousness that do the will of the Creator in helping humanity clear their unconscious blocks and internal fears and doubts and cleansing and purifying all dense astral energies. Come prepared for this evergreen and organic event by fasting, earthing and clearing your chakra system and auric field of all lower and dense energies.

Your inner child, pets and ancestors are welcome to attend in the 5th dimension. For maximum brain calibration, earbuds or headphones are most beneficial for listening. Drink extra water the day of the event. Activations are live, organic and evergreen and work in the background of our life as needed until complete.

Notes on Seraphim:
These Beings are also called “God-loving”, “Burning Angels” and “Fire-like”, because they burn with everlasting love for the Almighty.

The origin of the word Seraphim comes from the Hebrew word seraph, meaning “to burn” or “fiery”. In that sense, a Seraph could mean “The One who burns”, or “The One who Shines”.

Because of this, the alternative name of the Seraphim is Fire Spirits. They are beings of pure light, Angels of love and fire. They radiate Pure Divine Light. They convey the energy of God’s mercy toward the periphery of the Divine Creation.

These Angels work with huge inner reserves of compassion and Divine love. They constantly focus on raising the rate of their vibrations to maintain the Divine energy stable and untainted.

As the higher choir of Angels, the Seraphim are connected with the White Ray of Ascension that contains the vibration of God’s purity. They imbue the entire Universe with Divine healing powers; they embody love, light, and Divine fire, as well as harmony and perfection.

According to an ancient legend, the Seraphim form an uninterrupted circle around the throne of God at the heart of the Great Central Sun. Filled with adoration, they constantly repeat: “Holy, holy, holy is God Almighty!”

The name Seraph is a synonym for the tireless and eternal loyalty to the Divine principles. They are the essence of the unconditional Divine love, light, sanctity and fire. Continually permeated with the intense and tireless God’s activity, they understand God almost entirely.


Full Moon – Angelic Attunement #4 – Elohim (Length 48 Minutes)

In this powerful Full Moon event on the Elohim, we will align with and embody the vibrational presence of these powerful Beings that serve the one Creator. Elohim’s are creator Beings who bring down the divine architecture of Creation and Creator’s Idea of abundant Life. Come prepared for an intense vibrational experience as we journey into the higher frequency realms of light and love with high frequency guides, angelics and masters. It is suggested to clear and cleanse your field and chakra system and auric field 3 days before the event and leave time for quiet integration for 3 days following the event.

Your inner child, pets and ancestors are most welcome to attend in the 5th dimension. Earbuds or headphones are recommended for maximum brain effects. Drink extra water the day of the event. Activations are live, organic and evergreen and work in the back of our life as needed until complete.

Notes on Elohim:
What are the Elohim and what are their tasks? Elohim are powerful angelic beings. They arose directly out of divine power and represent a most pure and powerful form of the divine principles.

Elohim are powerful angelic beings which have been contributing to the process of Creation ever since its beginning. They can be seen as forces of creation. Hence they are also known as the Creation Angels and God’s right hand. They arose directly out of divine power and represent a most pure and powerful form of the divine principles.

The greatest power of the Elohim and all other angels is the power of love.

The Elohim achieve their impacts via the Colour Rays, which belong to the Creation Rays. Each Colour Ray represents a divine principle. The effectiveness of the Elohim arises out of their unity with the creator and direct contact with the power of creation, lending them enormous power. They absorb the impulse of creation when it has yet to take form, lend it an initial form and then pass it on to the other powers of the Creation Ray. The Elohim of the Colour Rays pass on the impulse of creation to all other powers of the Creation Ray which are included in the process of creation: the Archangels and angels, the Ascended Masters, the nature angels and nature beings, the plant beings and gemstones, as well as the manifestations of the earthly world. We humans also receive this stimulus: after all, we as humans are also co-creators.

Whereas the Creation Rays contain the whole field of consciousness right down from the highest vibrational level to the material world (thus lending them their integrative and stabilising power), the Elohim Colour Rays use the high levels of vibration from close to the source in order to carry out their transformative duties.

The tasks of the Elohim:

The Elohim were brought into existence in order to contribute to the process of Creation. They support, accompany and monitor the whole Creation process, ensuring it retains its order. Their scope of action is not just on Earth but in all the galaxies and universes.

Elohim are angels of truth and clarity. They wield the sword of truth and fight for honesty and love on behalf of the Creator. They maintain divine order and divine truth. Elohim have enormous transforming energies at their disposal. As ‘guardians of order and of light’ and with the strength of grace, the Elohim clear up energetic blockages, karma and confining structures right down to the roots. They liberate us from thought patterns, ways of behaviour, complaints and dependencies that burden and confine us. They transform, organise, align with the creation plan and support us to find our true being. They make it possible to find our destiny, to cultivate our abilities and to live our real essence. Elohim are teachers for the other beings involved in the creation plan: this means they are teachers to angels and to humans.

Their duties include:

  • manifesting creation according to the creator’s impulses,
  • keeping order within creation according to the divine plan,
  • clearing up disharmony,
  • protecting and healing creation,
  • providing power, knowledge and energy to other beings that contribute to the creation plan.