Mercury in Retrograde – Focusing on the Positive
Mercury in Retrograde – Focusing on the Positive You may hear a lot about how much Mercury can mess up your life when he turns around a few times a year. However, to lighten up the new year, I figured for a positive change I would write about all the wonderful...
Chakra Systems Are Highways That Funnel Light
Chakra Systems Are Highways That Funnel Light Did you know you have many chakra systems, not just the familiar ‘standard 7’ you may have heard about? In the video below I explain how you should think of your chakra system as “highways that funnel...
The tooth fairy is real!
The tooth fairy is real! This is a personal story I, Danielle, wanted to share to help anyone going through a difficult event or pain or anything that may seem like its so difficult you just don’t know what to do. I have had things like this my entire life,...
Seasonal Affect Disorder – Don’t Believe the Hype!
Seasonal Affect Disorder – Don’t Believe the Hype! During this time of year a lot of us may have “daylight” issues with the turning back of the clocks through most of the United States. If you live in one of our wintery/cold areas, then you very well may...