Blue Moon Activation


Originally Broadcast July 30, 2015

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The theme for this live activation event is Gracefully Moving Into Your Next Step.

Know that all your experiences, no matter how joyful or painful they are or have been, has led you to this present moment of the NOW.

Only in the NOW, can you create and make permanent changes in your life. So we now celebrate your NOW-ness in the power of YOU as we bring forth the quantum energy of the reck rocks, trees and high desert of northern Arizona and the 4 Corners area.

We will transmit a spontaneous group energy activation designed specifically for all those that will be in attendance.

The voice has strengthened and the channel is clearer and more balance and grounded since my arrival here June 5.

I am now in my place of home where I can just BE and LIVE. I will share this state with all those in attendance.

Join the tribe and begin to celebrate your next step and new beginning.


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