Health Restoration I (Part 3) The Liver


Replay and MP3 Recordings available


Join us for this unique and exciting, never-before-offered vibrational health restoration series. We will joyfully explore how we can change the status and condition of three most important organs that help navigate us in the world of form and density.

Have you ever thought about shifting your eyesight, hearing and detoxification organ through energy, vibration, and consciousness?

Is it possible to shift to your new quantum normal how you see the world; how you hear the world; and how you detoxify the energy that comes into your body from the environment, people, and world events?

And how do the spiritual energy centers affect your ability to see and hear? And how does your energy field affect how your liver processes, on a daily basis, the toxins and chemicals that are in our world?

We will experience a brand new way of vibrationally changing the health of these organs, combined with common sense tools, to enhance our health and well being in these challenging times of planetary transformation.

This series is relevant for those experiencing eyesight issues, hearing issues, and a toxic fatty liver. Also applies to your pets with these conditions.

* Disclaimer: These presentations are not intended to replace traditional and contemporary medical practices. They are designed to complement your health care regime and protocols Consult your physician or health care provider if you have any concerns regarding CAM therapies and approaches.


Health Restoration, Part Three – The Liver

The liver is a hard working organ of your body. It has so many important functions, one being to detoxify and cleanse the body of toxins, chemicals, and so called negative vibrations. If it gets overloaded, it begins to become sluggish and fat, so to speak. Its function begins to slow down and inflammation begins to set in. The liver needs to be strong and resilient.

One major function of the liver is to cleanse out the emotional impurities that we have taken on, be it the environment, other people, chemtrails, and EMFs. If we become imbalanced with our sensitivities and empathetic states, we may become overweight, tired, lethargic, and lose motivation.

How is it possible to reverse medical conditions without the use of drugs or surgery? Can consciousness override physical symptoms? Can beliefs and intentions and imagery affect matter and density? Can faith move mountains? Can your soul and spirit be the cause of your healing of mind and body? Tune in and find out.

Kenji will transmit a spontaneous, guided activation to address the issue of the liver for the restoration of your health and well being. We will bring out from the unconscious, those hidden beliefs and imprints that have been blocking your road to full and vibrant joyfulness.

Those that have been diagnosed with any kind of liver condition are encouraged to attend. Anything is possible in these activations, so be open to what else is possible. Miracles await you.

Purchase the full series here