Health Restoration V (Part 2) Accidents/Injuries


Broadcasting Live: Tues, Nov 13 @ 5PM PST
Earlybird Discount Ends 11/10

Purchase the full series at a discount here
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This is the follow up to Series I to IV and the topics we have chosen are most relevant to many who are making the conscious shift from the old world to the new. It is time for us to make the spirit the controller of our lives and to put the body the effect of spirit. It is time for the ego to step aside and allow the soul to be the navigator of the the life stream. If the body is a neutral vehicle for the expression of our spirit, then we must now take control of our destiny. This series will help you to take control of your life and to finally get out of victim-hood and into creator-hood.

** The full Health Restoration 3 Part Series can be purchased at a discount here.

Health Restoration V, Part 2 Accidents/Injuries
Date & Time: Tuesday, November 13th at 5:00 PM Pacific

In Part 2 of this series, we will explore the cause and effect of so-called accidents and injuries. If there really is not such thing as an accident, it is important to go into the cause and effect relationship of why we did hurt and experience pain, on all levels of consciousness. We have physical injuries; emotional injuries; and mental injuries and it is wise to understand why these things occur. Join us for a profound evening of awareness-shifting and quantum expansion.

“Thank you Kenji! It was wonderful. I loved the opening ‘I am Here. I am Now. I am.’ The idea of taking my power animal wherever I go – yes! Mine was perfect and came in so fast – just waiting for me. Blessings to you. Namaste.”  – Bonnie, Seattle

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