
Igniting the Divine Flame Within


Originally Broadcast on March 19, 2015
50 Minutes


Healing the suffering that binds you –Super New Moon & Solar Eclipse event

  • Are you tired of dragging around the old density of pain and anguish, sorrow and hurt?
  • Are you ready to give up the need to heal and fix things?
  • It is now time to pray and move your feet!
  • Are you ready to shift into the new paradigm of new thought?
  • New vision? New possibilities?

We present the new paradigm of Consciousness, the New Earth, the New Beginning in the spirit of love, grace, and gentleness. You are now ready to receive the gifts of the Heavenly Realms, that golden spark that is your beginning and your ending – the Alpha and Omega.

This is new online healing material for your Soul to digest in the womb of its core.

You are now ready to initiate into the deep mysteries of your Beingness, your Innate Intelligence, your Presence.

Journey with me now, as we come together in the Oneness of Isness, that Stillpoint, that Soul Signature, that Soul Core that is YOU.

What you will take home with you depends on you, for you are unlimited in your true nature and all is possible. According to your trust and belief in self will determine what you will receive, on-going into Infinity.

We offer you what you are designed to receive in this NOW moment. The more still you become, the more that will be given. The keys to the kingdom lie within.

The activation, the attunement, the initiation that you will receive is live and evergreen, so each time you listen and absorb, the more layers of awareness is given you – each listening will be different and unique, and is cumulative in effect.