11:11 Portal into Healing (2015)


3 Recorded Activations totaling approximately 55 minutes

Broadcast 11/11/2015



A 3-session special group activation on 11-11 enabling you to journey to other realms, helping you to enhance your awareness and self-healing.  These activations are evergreen and everlasting so they can be listened to at any moment in time.  11:11 activations can help you release baggage and issues while clearing out old belief systems.  Each time you listen, it will build upon the last time and continue to build while helping you grow.

Activation 1: Opening the Portal

In this first intense activation, you will be guided by Kenji to connect with your sacred heart space, while relaxing yourself completely. Connect with inner child, pillars of light, and your spiritual divine guidance to open the 11:11 portals. Disengage from all your worries and personal life, enabling you to concentrate on finding your still point.

While listening to your guidance, you have the opportunity to find all the possibilities that await you. Recalibrate your system in a easy way while self adjusting your body. Absorbing all rainbow colors as needed to assist in healing of emotional and physical body. You will feel refreshed, renewed, reconnected and ready to continue your 11:11 Journey.

Activation 2­: Your Journey

Continue along your Journey with this second special activation. Release any remaining old energies and let go of all your attachments and past. Ground with the marvelous energies of the bell rock helping to perfectly align you. Feel the power of the 11:11 gateway, as it goes deep into all the layers of muscle tissues and bones in your body.

Touching again on your emotional and mental body, allowing all of these areas to release self‐doubt about your future, your purpose, relationships, health, etc. The I AM power is strong and active during this activation. Receive you’re your personal blessings that are awaiting, guiding you to continue your growth cycle.

Activation 3­: Quantum Changes

Bring together your Soul Family, your Ancestors, and family members, even family pets, to connect with you during this activation. Gain assistance and knowledge from these kindred souls involved in your soul purpose. Integrate all the wonderful, amazing, energies of your Soul family and the 11:11 energies to work the best way possible for you at this time. Include the red rock and bell rock energies and love and support to cleanse and purify you.

Gently integrating all the Quantum changes that were brought to you on this journey. Be guided to breath in all the introductions and awareness of your new identity within self. Bringing you to a new level of relationships in all areas of your life while moving into the unknown with confidence and trust.

Connect with your soul mate deep within your heart center and feel the presence of those souls yet to come into your life. Feel perfect freedom to express yourself in the world without fear!

A 3‐session special group activation on 11‐11 enabling you to journey to other realms, helping you to enhance your awareness and self‐healing. These activations are evergreen and everlasting so they can be listened to at any moment in time. 11:11 activations can help you release baggage and issues while clearing out old belief systems.

Each time you listen, it will build upon the last time and continue to build while helping you grow.


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