Solar Eclipse Activation – 4 Pillars


Audio + Video Activation
Instant Access
53 Minutes

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Join us today for this special saturday event celebrating the last Solar Eclipse of 2021. We are going to work with 4 Pillars of Light: White-Gold to bring forth your brilliance and radiance; Rose-Pink to amplify your love and compassion; Cobalt Blue to bring forward your Wisdom and Grace; and Violet-Purple to empower your cleansing and healing abilities. Together, these powerful Lights will help create expanded consciousness into the 5D Matrix of many possibilities.

Let us use this powerful energy day to set magnificent Intentions and Prayers. This Solar Eclipse, aligned with the Photon Belt, the mighty Earth Changes and our Ascension Process will produce powerful internal changes that can affect the rest of your life in tremendous ways unseen at this moment. We ask you to come to this event “prepared” for mighty shifts in consciousness, mind, emotions and body.

Powerful will be this Solar Eclipse affecting catalytic change on the world scene, in our hearts, the Elemental Kingdom and the Inner New Earth.

The guided activation, as with all activations we bring forth, will be a spontaneous channeling from the Quatum of what this group is ready to receive and embody according to your trust and belief in Self. We will be assisted by Kuthumi, Mary Magdalene, Sanat Kumara and St Germain as they embody the 4 pillars of Light. Your pets and ancestors are most welcome to attend. PEACE – BALANCE – JOY – ABUNDANCE – PURE LOVE

Evergreen, Recorded live Sat, Dec 4th, 2021