Join us for a powerful and much-needed peace and light meditation for GAIA, humanity and the Devic Kingdom. The theme for the year is Change. Change on all levels of evolution and creation. As the Earth goes, so does the Universe and our quadrant of the Milky Way Galaxy.
We will bring forward a powerful and in-sightful Light meditation for Earth Mother. All those that are ready will receive the Light and the Blessings. Gracing the world will be a joyous experience for body and mind. The councils of Light will join us for the celebration of soul communion and the receiving of the solar energy of Awakening. Your Light Bodies will receive a powerful infusion of divine Light that will be integrated into your brain in divine right timing.
The activation is evergreen and wholly organic, non-GMO, non-toxic, non-addictive, chemical-free, gluten-free, sugar-free, fat-free and very playful. Allow downtime afterwards for easier body integration. Benefits are functional in nature and have a life-time customer satisfaction guarantee. – comedy team!
Your ancestors and pets are most welcome.