Seasonal Affect Disorder – Don’t Believe the Hype! During this time of year a lot of us may have “daylight” issues with the turning back of the clocks through most of the United States. If you live in one of our wintery/cold areas, then you very well may...
You Can Do IT!! Many of you have seen Kenji’s postings and images about his climb to the top of the red rocks at Boynton Canyon. Truly motivational and definitely inspiring. We may sometimes get caught up in news of depressing information; maybe the financial...
After the Transformation… I am writing this blog today to help any of you who may have encountered a transformation, either with an online activation or a live event, maybe a personal one on one session, or even a session with another healer. Regardless, caring...
Live Events and Why They Are So Awesome Kenji offers lots of activations that can help to clear your blocked items, accelerate awareness, guide you to inner peace, even help create joy in your life. However, nothing is an amazing experience as attending one of his...
What is JOY? (and bonus Q&A) Kenji on joy. lot of people want to heal themselves and be completely healthy or completely abundant and free from all pain and heartache. Thinking that having this will bring everlasting joy! Some of us may even look unto others with...