As the New Earth begins to blossom, old enmeshment patterns created by ancestral trauma are being revealed in the lives of those souls who are here to heal the wounds of past generations. These patterns may arise through challenging circumstances that bring us to...
Energy follows thought. Your thoughts have power. The power of your thoughts powered by your emotions create your world, your reality and the way in which you experience your life. Indeed, your creation is a web of your quantum thoughts and projections. Since...
One way to enhance your consciousness, is to go out in nature. Get out amongst the trees. Go for a walk in the forest. Walk along the ocean side. Get into nature and really become one with nature, like how the ancients used to do. So whenever you feel disconnected,...
My experience as a spiritual mentor has revealed some valuable truths about self-esteem and confidence and how they affect the process of spiritual growth. While self-esteem is something we often associate with ego and success in the material world, it can also...
As the new earth rises, awakening consciousness also rises through those souls who are here to serve in spiritual mentorship roles for the emerging humanity. Are you an awakened soul seeking guidance and confidence to embody the power of your divine purpose? Do you...
Balance with all things, within all levels, within all aspects of Consciousness products power; the innate power to manifest, to envision, to heal and make right, to see clearly, to feel and sense evenly, to communicate, to connect, to align to changes, to embody the...