Contemplate or meditate on this for the next 33 days to manifest your diving reality:
Only that which comes from Love is real since the source of Truth is within you (your Soul)
– From the Oneness
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Ides of March…ing to Your Own Drum
he Ides of March. March is an interesting Month, daylight savings for most parts of the United States, where we can play with time, St. Paddy’s day for our Irish friends, Spring is peaking through the winter frost…..and then we have the notorious...
Why Deep Breathing is so Beneficial
Deep Breathing Benefits. We have all heard the phrase, “take a deep breath and relax”. Perhaps during times of meditation, yoga or maybe someone is just telling you to calm down. Either way it is heard often, but why? Why is deep breathing the answer? Well I...
How to Connect With Your Inner Voice
ello! This came across to me and I just wanted to share with you some ideas. Take what you need and leave the rest. Live by the Golden Rule Give gratitude whenever possible Remember the Law of One Listen, meditate and wait for the right time to act...