Activate Your Light Series ** Featuring Archangels, Ascended Masters, Higher Realms…


5 Total Hours
6 Activations


RECEIVE DIRECT ASSISTANCE FROM the Archangels, Ascended Masters, Your Healing Team, Guardians and the Higher Realms of Light and Love in this EXCLUSIVE 5 Hour Activation Package to **ACTIVATE YOUR LIGHT**

Through this exclusive program Kenji will be teaching and sharing with you, ALL the ways he has discovered to connect to the higher dimensions and divine helpers so you can reach your ultimate true light potential and beam into higher consciousness. Illuminate now with eternal peace, love and joy in every aspect of your life.

Kenji accesses, guides and opens the lines of divinity to work directly with you.

  • Discover, possibly for the first time, what your light sounds like.
  • Discover, your conscious vibration, and feel, sense and enjoy the sensation and illumination of your life signature.

Most of you have already asked for the light and to some level have either sensed, heard or felt the vibration and have connected. What if you now take this direct connection from the very beginning, stay connected and Illuminate it higher than your mind’s eye can imagine – that is the sacred light of creation and it is here that few have discovered and even fewer know how to repeatedly visit.

This vibration once activated and what arrived becomes easier and easier to access -it is a point of creation and from this point you can go beyond anything you have ever known before. This is the access point you feel and desire to be more often! It is here that Kenji will assist you in arriving and bathing in over and over again as we spend these three precious weeks together.


  • 6 Activations
    About 5 Hours of Content



Activation 1: Receive the LIGHT

Invoke your I Am presence, your over-soul and higher mind, to support you in opening to your inner light and the full magnitude of your purpose and destiny in this life. Open and connect your body, mind and soul to all blessings and gifts your are here to be, do, have and create. Receive and open to divine inspiration on all levels of your spiritual, emotional and physical bodies.

Activation 2: Divine GUIDANCE

Detach awareness and tension from your emotional, pain and intellectual bodies. Receive an overview of your life from the eye of the soul. Experience being in stillness, at one with Source, and in full consciousness of all that  lies within you allowing for a greater synthesis of the Divine in your daily life.

Activation 3: Quantum RESET:Re-Birth

Free yourself from tribal consciousness, generational and familial attachment and cords. Strengthen and clarify your personal boundaries. Ground yourself and connect with the magnetic support of Mother Earth. Reestablish your self-esteem and deepen your connection to your life purpose. Open to clearer communication with your intuition and higher self.

Activation 4: Magnetize Your Spiritual Gifts

Enhance your self-awareness. Align with your guides, guardians and gatekeepers, and improve your communication skills with these Divine Beings. Experience the ability to self-heal and self-direct your consciousness. Accelerate your ability to access and magnetize your inner spiritual gifts, the light that is you.

Activation 5: Manifest Your DREAM

Experience being a catalyst for change in the new world. Open to being a divine expression of peace and gratitude for the world. Discover and know fully what and who you are, and express that state of being naturally. Activate your power and become a pillar of light and stability in a world and time of great chaos and change.

Activation 6: Become a CLEAR & PERFECT Channel

Move out of desire, effort, hope, faith and trust. Move into embodying and BEING the fullest expression of Divine Light that is you. Open to and activate the creation and highest version of you that is Mother, Father, God, Source of all that is. Become a clear and perfect channel for peace, light and love.

Originally recorded in 2014.  Kenji’s activations are timeless and evergreen.  When you listen to them is exactly when you’re meant to listen to them in life.  Kenji’s activations can be listened to multiple times and more and more is gained with each listen.