Full Moon-Christ Initiation


Recorded Live Dec 26, 2023
41 Minutes
Replay/Download include Video, edited mp3 audio and full written transcript



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How it works: When you purchase this gift, you receive the meditation activation recordings along with a code to send to a loved one! They can then download the meditation for FREE! This product is made to share so you and the person you choose can celebrate this activation together!

In this special Full Moon-christmas-time activation to celebrate the birth and teachings of all the Christed Masters, we will journey with the Christ team and Angelics into the inner realms of love and light to a special ceremonial interdimensional space to receive a christ-infused and inspired initiation that will propel you onto your spiritual destiny and path of awakening that would not normally be available in ordinary circumstances. This inner journey is brought forth through the power of Grace and Blessings from our Creator and helping creator beings.

Think of this event as an anointing of the crown and heart chakras; as a bestowal of light upon your Being; and as a robe of many colors placed upon and around your physical body. Initiations are completions, acknowledgements and recognitions of lessons learned and completed, so if you feel you are coming to the end of a cycle and ready for your next step, then this presentation is for you and your guardian angels. Profound changes may occur from this event, so be prepared for the unexpected and miracles of one order or another. This is a gathering of Love for all those that are ready to receive.

Your pets and ancestors are most welcome to attend in the 5th dimension. Please prepare by detoxing the body and getting a spinal adjustment, bodywork, acupuncture or other treatments to prepare for the influx and inflow of divine energies. Repeated listening is recommended with earbuds/headsets as the cumulative benefits are ongoing and build upon one another with each listening. This evergreen activation will run until complete, as you allow according to your belief and trust in self.

Pre class recommendations: Light a white candle, burn high frequency incense or do aromatherapy, smudge your room and anoint our body with high grade rose and frankincense essential oils. Be joyous in your heart.

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