In your personalized 90-minute “wave” session (coaching and activation), Kenji provides you with sacred and nurturing space to clear your personal, ancestral and group karmic pattern, or unconscious imprinting within your soul destiny and life purpose. A safe space is held for your inner journey to oneness and divine awakening through the law of one and grace (goddess energy). Kenji is assisted by his council, ascended masters, light beings and angelic presences.
In your alignment session, you have the opportunity to clear, harmonize, balance, empower and receive many levels of higher consciousness, which will be ongoing for years to come. Sessions are received fully clothed and standing up, with padded futon/mattress as your backdrop, so to speak. Kenji only gives what you are ready to receive, embrace and allow. His energy space is one of gentleness, safety, loving support and non-judgment. Sessions are cumulative in effect. Each experience builds upon the others until the “breakthrough”. Then, the Flow arrives and you are on your way. Sessions are like a “home-coming” event and stays with you into forever.
Sessions are received standing up, fully clothed. Collapses are the release of deep, oftentimes unconscious fears and resistance to change and the body goes “off line” to receive the downloads and begins to integrate the change into the cellular sub atomic levels of consciousness. Clients come for re-birthing, changing habits, healing of the original separation, releasing the trauma of the original betrayal or abandonment and general relief from chronic stress, pain and injuries that have not healed fully. We also work on enhancing creative expression, spiritual gifts, hidden talents and new beginnings. Life renewal and inner peace are built into Kenji’s state that he shares with you.
Gentle and loving hands are placed intuitively upon the body to assist in the energy flow and integration of new states, spiritual downloads (of light, information and life strategies) and the balance and harmony of soul infusion into the body. Your presence in the body will be highly enhanced and magnified in a grounded and balanced way with the magnetics of Nature and New Earth.
Sessions are open to Starseed and people of all faiths, metaphysical and spiritual paths. Kenji’s approach is one of inclusion, oneness, unity consciousness and compassion. Kenji is a quantum activator and initiator dedicated to humanity’s collective self empowerment and trust in a loving Presence and Intelligence. What People are Saying“The wave (for me) is like Triple falls (in Asheville). It just gushes, leaving you no choice but to experience its beauty and intensity of its flow. This is the Divine Love. The wave inter-penetrated my cellular structure and exploded me back to life…to love. Then, enters you and your Quantum Lightweaving and from my first wave, I have never been the same. It was preordained, for sure. You, standing there transmitting Divine Love. Mesmerizing and intoxicating. I didn’t know the full effects of it until later. So, yeah, the wave opens you for sure! On all levels of consciousness. Puts you in touch with your soul and many evolved beings”.
— L.J., Travelers Rest, S.C.“Kenji is the most laid back dude I have ever met for a healer. Very grounded. I have met tons of men and women in the healing, spiritual new age community who were 100% ego and big heads and only after money or they were just 100% phony, but Kenji is the real deal. He is a real person with great healing skills and very kind and compassionate.”
— Kimberly P, CA.“I scheduled an in-person session with Kenji Kumara and it was transformational. The time he took to personally address the personalized questionnaire was very helpful. He helped me uncover some spiritual gifts and helped me perceive my reality more correctly and release false beliefs I held about myself. He helped me understand my parents’ role and my role in their life. After the activation, I felt peaceful confidence that came from knowing the truth. Going forward it became easier for me to remember how to go within and be connected with the truth and feel that bliss! I think Kenji’s activation meditations are most powerful for me and I continue to listen to them and experience more and more peace, bliss and joy in my life.”
— Patti M., AZ“I knew I was meant to work with Kenji and I’m so glad I did. His work was phenomenal – he helped me with something no one else was able to. I have never had such powerful healing in my life. Deep core to quantum levels of healing. A joyous and enlightening experience that continues. I find myself healing more and more every day. Thank you Kenji, my life is forever changed.”
— Abby G, CA
Missed appointments: There will be a $50 rescheduling fee for all missed telephone and in person sessions. There is no fee charged for 24 hour notice by email to cancel your appointment. Thank you for your understanding.
Get the “8:8 Lionsgate Activation” for healing traumas FREE when you sign up for a session