Magnetic Healing Part 5 – Pre 12:12 Gateway / New Moon


Recorded Live Dec 11, 2023
46 Minutes
Replay/Download include Video, edited mp3 audio and full written transcript



In this continuing 7-Part series on Magnetic Healing, we will continue to activate the Solar Pt and 14 centers in the magnetic field, Stellar Point Clearing, plus adjusting the E-M Body within and outside the physical body. These processes will begin to clear stagnant pockets of stuck psychological and emotional energy and free up the magnetic field for greater emotional expression. A thorough cleansing of the emotional body may be experienced, thereby allowing emotional clarity and empowerment. This can be a very intense experience. Adjustments inside and outside the body will be magnetically applied. Will will finish up the treatment with “Kinetics”, a very deep emotional purging process that will be received laying down. The Archangels Christopher and Gabriel will be facilitating the experience with emotional support from Mother Mary. You may receive the work in a chair or laying down on a mat or bed.

Preparation for this class can include detox baths, walks in Nature and earthing. Allow time for integration afterwards and be gentle with yourself. Your pets and ancestors are most welcome to attend in the 5th dimension. Repeated listening and absorbing is recommended, for there are many layers given in these spontaneous activations.

12:12 Stargate and the New Moon energies will be present.

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