Trusting in the guidance I received months ago to offer an event who’s theme is channeling prayers; all different kinds and types of prayers; prayers that anyone and everyone can relate to no matter what their faith, path or practice; prayers of all different kinds of meanings and perspectives; prayers that will be spontaneously channeling for each person in the live and replay audience – We are now ready to offer up this challenging, for me, never before offered spontaneous event. I feel we really need this kind of Energy right now on the planet.
The prayers will be self empowering and self working, meaning the energy will permeate one’s cellular and sub-atomic levels. The prayers will be like Declarations and Re-Statements that can re-configure consciousness and subtle bodies. They have the innate knowingness of healing consciousness so that one’s greater Mind can remain clear and focused and the body soft and flexible.
Here is an example that comes to mind:
Dear Heavenly Father-Mother, All That Is, The One Source,
Everything that expresses through my body and mind is blessed with Light
Everything that enters my body and mind, is blessed with Love
From the Lord God of my Being, I AM declaring this so, and SO IT IS.
A-Ho, Om Shanti, Amen, Adonai
(Then we feel the energy that is being generated so the cells in our body and mind can absorb and integrate the Power in quietude, silence and stillness)
We may do some Q & A to set some examples of how to create your own lovely and powerful Prayer Activations and then channel a series of Prayers to the audience to conclude the evening.
Your Guides will be the ones you call forth in the beginning of the activation, plus the comedy team, of course.
Your family members, pets and ancestors are most welcome to attend etherically on the highest planes.
*This evergreen activation is ongoing until complete. Allow time for full integration. Drink water.
For maximum brain effect, listen with headphones or earbuds and listen often as needed.
Ritual acts give life meaning. They also honor and acknowledge the unseen web of Life that connects us all. When we honor our personal cycles and the seasons of the year— we are reminded of the ever-changing flow of life that we are connected to.
It is suggested to take time 15 minutes before and 15 minutes after the precise moment of the Solstice to open to the intelligence of nature all around you and to acknowledge your personal growth cycle. A simple ritual act done with intention in your heart is enough. – Explore Deeply