Pre 2:2 Stargate – Higher Self Downloads 2


Recorded Live Feb 1, 2024
36 Minutes
Replay/Download include Video, edited mp3 audio and full written transcript



This is a followup to Higher Self Downloads published years ago. It is time for another upgrade, recalibration and rearticulation related to the Clear and Perfect Channel activations from past retreats. This promises to be a fun event. We will bring in more of the comedy team and lighthearted archangel presences.

Buddha taught about the (clarity) clear light body; Yeshua taught about universal love; other avatars have taught about the oneness, unity consciousness and the way.

Today, we will experience, more deeply, your upper room dimensions in holding states of high consciousness and supreme light that resides in the core of stillness and tranquility, which is a different concept or idea for western oriented, atlantean minds. We will invoke, by agreement, your highest frequency guides for this spontaneous guided attunement and those from the angelic realms of light and love.

Prepare for this event by fasting, detox bathing, nature walks and wet saunas. Bring a notebook, pen and water bottle. Your pets are most welcome to attend, even those who have recently departed for the next world.

About the event 2/2/24: An portal of activation and energy for all that we are birthing. A portal of faith and trust in the manifestation process. It also has to do with vision, wisdom, transformation and laying foundations in regard to your life purpose.
– Google

“I literally just finished the 2:2 activation. That was FANTASTIC!! I have NO IDEA what happened consciously, other than, “I felt that”!! LOL It knocked me OUT. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Just what the doctor ordered!! Thank you for going back to ‘the old stuff”, and making it ‘new’. There’s magic in ALL of your stuff!! I felt the whole vibrating and realigning thing. I can’t tell you much more.I already feel entirely different. But I literally was OUT in my chair!!”
– Karen

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